Wild area 2, new Pokemon joins the team

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Our heroes are currently  camping at the second wild area, all their Pokemon were playing with each other.

Y/n was currently taking a nap, till his shiny Golurk woke him wanting a battle. 

Y/n sighed, feeling bad he hasn't used Golurk and Silvally since he got them.  He then took Golurk and Silvally to find a Max raid den to battle and maybe catch a new teammate. 

Y/n found one active a few minutes later, it seemed high leveled, but Golurk was his uncles Pokemon so Y/n wasn't worried. 

When Y/n entered the den, he saw three other trainers already there. And the Pokemon was a new Pokemon Y/n never seen before.

"Dragapult the stealth Pokemon. A dragon and ghost type. And the evolved form of Drakloak. When it isn't battling, it keeps Dreepy in the holes on its horns.Once a fight starts,it launches the Dreepy like supersonic missiles." Y/n's Rotomdex informed.

Rotom also informed Y/n about it's pre evolved forms, Y/n also noticed that the one he's facing is a shiny.

Y/n then sent out Golurk. While the other trainers sent out a school form Wishiwashi, a Solrock and a Togepi.

Y/n decided to go all out from the start as the pseudo legendary look strong, he returned Golurk to it's Pokeball before charging it with energy, causing it to grow to a beach ball sized premier ball , he then threw the premier ball behind him, it then let out a Dyanamaxed Golurk.

"Max Phantasm!" Y/n called out.

Golurk summoned large purple objects that can be found in a hunted house before launching them at the stealth Pokemon, causing a explosion. 

The explosion died down to reveal it was still standing but weakened, it then grew desperate and put up a shield.  

The Solrock  used cosmic power, increasing it's stats (Not much help there)

The Wishiwashi used Hydro pump, weakening the barrier. 

The Togepi used metronome, which turned into a shadow ball, chipping off more of the barrier

The wind were increasing in strength, causing Y/n to worry.

The Solrock used cosmic power again. (Seriously not helping!)

The Togepi used metronome again, this time becoming a pin missile, managing to weaken the barrier even more. 

Golurk went for another Max Phantasm which finally taking the stealth Pokemon down.

Y/n charged up a dusk ball which grew into a beach ball sized premier ball, Y/n threw it at Dragapult which sucked it in. The Premier ball landed then shook once... twice.. thrice, the premier ball shrunk and became a dusk ball again before clicking,and Dragapult was caught.

Golurk shrunk back to normal, happy to battle a strong opponent. 

Y/n then went back to camp, on the way he saw Hop and Bede. The former was defeated by the latter, Y/n stepped in to stop Bede from discouraging Hop anymore then he already has.

Unsurprisingly Bede wants another battle, seeing that Hop's spirit is all but crushed because of Bede, Y/n accepted hopping to lift Hop's spirits.   

This time it's a two on two, Y/n sent out Silvally while Bede sent out a Galarian Ponyta.

"Ponyta use moon blast!" Bede taking the first move.

"Dodge and use poison fang!" Y/n commanded 

Silvally dodged the incoming attack before biting down with fang filled with poison, causing the unique horn Pokemon to cry out in pain. And as if to add insult to injury, Ponyta was poisoned from the attack. 

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