An unexpected detour, searching for the titans of legend

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 After reaching Hammerlocke, our heroes met up with Sonia. They all visited the Hammerlocke vault that has information about the darkest day, but found nothing that they haven't already know.

Y/n decided to take the on gym tomorrow as he and the other guardians was called by their teacher Palutena. They were confused when the older guardian sounded tense during the call. 

While the rangers were patrolling, the guardians were waiting for their teacher at the Pokemon center. When they sensed her at the door, they saw the reason why their teacher sounded tense during the call.

Palutena was a green haired women in her early twenties and next to her was her fellow teacher and normally friendly rival Rosalina. However things happened and their normally friendly rivalry grew tense, which is quite the understatement. When another teacher made a mistake of getting between them, he was told to butt out before being sent though several walls.

"Y/n, i need  you and the others in the Crown Tundra." Palutena said to her student.

"My students are patrolling Hammerlocke, so you don't need to worry about your brother and his partners not having backup." Rosalina said to Y/n.

After agreeing, Y/n and the others was teleported to the regions Crown Tundra. There, they met a man named Peony in the town of Freezington . While he acts like a child, Peony gave them clues to the locations of five giants. The older guardians heard of a group of thugs trying to search and capture the giants, so they decided to beat them to it and ask Y/n to help as he's a champion. 

Thanks to the older guardians, they found of the location of one the titans. After traveling to the western side of the Giant's bed, they found the Iron ruins.

"The door sealed shut, how are we supposed to get in?" Iseult asked.

"Hey, there's something written on the door." Y/n said as he got closer to the door.

"Read it out loud Y/n, maybe  it's a way to open the sealed door."  Rosalina said.

"Don't tell my student what do !" Palutena snapped at her. Seeing sparks flying, Y/n quickly read the inscriptions before the two came to blows and the three of them was dragged into it.

"Let's see..... "Let ring the piercing note that will wake the giant of steel." Y/n said as he read the inscription.

"Piercing note? Y/n, let out a sharp whistle. Maybe it will work." Palutena said after she stopped her argument with Rosalina.

Nodding, Y/n let out a sharp whistle, the inscription glowed lightly before the door opened.

After entering the ruins, they saw seven circles on the floor in a hexagonal formation and a large statue at the back of the room.

When Y/n steps on a circle, it lights up. After stepping and lighting up all seven circles, the statue started to glow and shake, it then exploded. When the dust died down, it revealed a Registeel?

"Y/n! You must catch it!" Palutena called out. "Now that the door is open and Registeel is awake, capturing it is the best way to keep it out of the wrong hands!"

"If you say so...Cinderace, battle time!" Y/n sent out his Galar starter.

"Pyro ball!"

Cinderace repeatedly kicks a rock, igniting it into a flaming soccer ball. It then kicks the fire ball, launching it at the iron Pokemon. The iron Pokemon braced itself with iron defense, but the attack left it with a burn. But before Y/n or Cinderace could react, Registeel struck the rabbit Pokemon with Zap cannon. 

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