Chapter 10

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Y/N= Your name
F/C = Favorite Color
A/C= Any color
H/C= Hair color
E/C= Eye color
S/C= Skin color


     I can't say how long it's been since I met Bill. A month? Two? It's all been a blur.

     We came to Gravity Falls around the end of May, like the 29th. I met Bill two days after that. Now, it's near the end of June.

     Has it really been a month? I mean, Bill has been here for a while.

     Over the past month, I've grown particularly close to Bill. We hung out a lot since we got lost in the woods. We've watched movies late at night, sat up on the roof and talked, we even player a few video games on my computer. Well, since Bill can't touch any thing- except me, apparently-, he mostly just watched me play games.

     Bill actually wasn't half bad. I didn't exactly trust him at first, since he was a demon from a place literally called the Nightmare Realm. That sent bad vibes, but, even if Bill can be annoying, that didn't mean he was evil. I mean, yeah, he can be a little crazy. Though, it kind of makes him funny. His sarcasm, on the other hand, is just as bad as mine. Maybe even worse.

      Nah, I'm still the queen of sarcasm.

My nightmares, though, have gotten worse. Every time I fall asleep, I at least get a glimpse of that apocalyptic landscape of Gravity Falls.

      Every time, I see that one person be taken away by that thing, screaming my name. I remember running after it, and running into a crowd of people. They were screaming at me to run while I still could. Every time I look back to see what they were running from, my dream cut out. Plus, I can never remember the peoples' faces. Like that person screaming my name, or that huge crowd of people. They're all a blur.

      Other weird things have been happening, too. Dipper has been disappearing when Mabel and I are asleep. Well, I normally would still be awake, it takes hours most nights for me to get some sleep.

      But, he would just up and whoosh, he would have left the house. Where he went? I have no clue. So, I told Mabel about his disappearances one day.

Obviously, she immediately thought it was because of a girl. I had told her it was absurd, since Dipper has never had a girl crush on him in his life. Plus, it has only been a month since we came here. But, she stuck with her idea. And now we're hiding in a bush at midnight, stalking Dipper as he walks through town.

"So we're here again because...?" Bill asked, floating behind me.

I lean back and whispered, "Mabel and I wanted to see what Dipper has been doing every night."

"What?" Mabel asked.

"Nothing," I responded quietly. Mabel and Dipper still don't know about Bill, and I wanted to keep it that way.

Bill grumbled about how he wished he didn't have to with me all the time. Honestly, I was used to it at this point.

    Though, haven't gotten very far with separating our souls. I mean, I would try to ask Dipper about the journal, but I could never muster up enough confidence to ask.

     But, I like the time I spend with Bill. I never get to binge entire movie series with the twins, or play video games. They're always busy or hanging out with other friends. Plus, neither of them really like the same things I do. So, it's been nice hanging out with another person than the twins.

"He turned a corner!" Mabel whisper- yelled. "C'mon! Or else we'll lose him!" She got up and sprinted after Dipper. I quickly followed. We hood behind a bench that had been sat on the concrete. We watched as Dipper entered the woods.

Why would Dipper enter the woods? That's pretty suspicious. Was he part of a cult? Summoning demons? If he's actually doing any of that... that's pretty low. Then again, I also disappeared in the middle of the night to talk to a statue, and accidentally free a demon from it. Who now has to follow me everywhere. So, I can't really judge.

Mabel and I stayed a good twenty feet behind him. Mabel was practically bouncing, mumbling some guesses on who she thought the girl was. I ignored her. Mabel has grown out of her boy-crazy phase (thank god), but that doesn't mean she doesn't still think of her brother and friends in relationships. I think she had moved into a shipping phase, and it's probably worse than her boy-crazy one.

He went pretty deep into the woods, and I had begun to worry. What if he has been doing this the entire summer? Was he coming out here to summon a demon? Was he meeting up with someone? If so, who?

I had been so caught up with question, I had completely forgot Bill was there. "Are you sure he isn't part of a cult?" Bill asked, making me jump. Mabel didn't even flinch, probably since she couldn't even see Bill.

     Lucky, she doesn't have to deal with a sarcastic, annoying demon 24/7.

"He's not!" I whisper yelled. "At least, I don't think he is..." Mabel looked at me weird. I told her I was just talking to myself. She shrugged it off.

"Mhm, right," Bill said sarcastically. I glared at him, I really wished he would stop talking.

"Your the one who shook my statue's hand," Bill stated. "You brought this on yourself." I knew if he had a mouth, he would be smirking right now.

I was about to tackle Bill when Mabel stopped me. I looked over at her to see what was the matter. She pointed ahead of us. Dipper had stopped. I looked at Mabel weirdly, she look confused, too. Then someone walked up to him.

I couldn't believe it with my own eyes. That person and I had hung a bit over the past month. But why are they here with Dipper? I saw Mabel bouncing, I could tell she was screaming internally. I watched as Dipper and this newcomer talked a little bit. The girl giggled every once in a while. They then sat down on a fallen log that was behind them.

Dipper then wrapped his hand around her blond hair. The girl put her hand on his waist. I watched in utter dismay when Pacifica NorthWest pulled my best friend into a kiss.

{PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!! I know that not everyone ships Dipper and Pacifica. I honestly don't either! Don't quote me on this, but I also did this because it seemed the most "cannon" in the show. It never was confirmed, but the writers seemed to hint towards it. And honestly, to me, they're actually pretty cute together. I do have other reasons for them being together. I won't say them, because who likes spoilers?

Also, I wanted to changed the schedule. I've been really busy lately, and I'm going to be busy a lot for a while. So I've decided that the book will be updated every TWO WEEKS instead on ONE WEEK. The next chapter should also hopefully be longer. Hope you all understand.

P E A C E.}

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