Chapter 7

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Y/N= Your name

F/C = Favorite Color

A/C= Any color

H/C= Hair color

E/C= Eye color

S/C= Skin color


I had to run to catch up to the twins. They had gotten pretty far. I was panting by the time I caught up to them.

"How do you guys walk so fast?" I asked, gasping for breath. Mabel shrugged.

Dipper ignored the question and said, "Alright, I was thinking we could show you the UFO crash landing sight, the crystals, show you where the bunker was, maybe look for some monsters along the way, and maybe say hi to the gno-"

"NO!" Mabel yelled. "We are not going to see the gnomes. I'm pretty sure they had already tried to kidnap me this week!"

"Kidnap you?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it," Dipper responded.

I shrugged it off, I'm pretty sure they talked about something like that when they talked about their adventures they had while they were in Gravity Falls. 

"The bunker seems the closest, so we'll show you that first," Dipper said. "We're only going to show you the outside of it, I don't want to go in and risk seeing that the shapeshifter had unfroze itself."

I perked up, "I think you guys told me about that! Wasn't the shapeshifter a creature that could shape-shift? You guys had encountered it, and then you guys almost died?"

"That's about how I remember it," Dipper said. "We're almost there, I think. Just another left turn and- ah, there it is!"

It was a tree.

I'm not joking, a tree. I was expecting like some type of apocalyptic metal building that run underground, or something. But, no, it was a tree, in the middle of a forest.

"Um, Dip, are you sure this is where we're supposed to be?" I questioned.

"Oh, yeah, this is the place. It looks normal so nobody could tell it was there, and so they couldn't get into the lab inside," Dipper explained.

Mabel pointed up to a single branch towards the top of the tree. "You see that branch?" She asked. "It's actually a leaver that opens up the ground a whole bunch of cool metal stairs pop open that lead to the bunker! It was really cool to watch when we went down here. Wendy just climbed up and used her ax to hit the lever and fwoosh! Out popped the stairs! And we were all like woah!! And Wendy jumped down and Dipper was all like-."

Dipper put his hand over Mabel's mouth, "Alright, I think she gets it." Mabel giggled, while I was a little confused as to what she was talking about.

However, I just dismissed it and asked, "So, we're not going to go down? Because, of the shapeshifter?"

"Yeah," Mabel said. "That's one of the reasons, but I think it's because Dipper doesn't want to remember some memories that had been made here." Mabel then leaned in close and whispered in my ear, "He got his first rejection here."

"You do know I'm right beside Y/N and can hear everything your saying. And Wendy wasn't my first rejection! Remember Susie!" Dipper exclaimed.

"Oh yeah! I forgot about her. But I'm glad she rejected you, all she ever did was gossip," Mabel responded.

"Wait, I think I remember that girl! She spilt yogurt all over my favorite shirt, she had stained it so bad we had to throw it away. All because I glared at her when she was being a snotty brat!" I added.

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