Immediately, Briarrose' expression shifted., Her eyes filled with fear and concern, turning her amber gaze towards Owlkit. Owlkit stood her ground, puffing out her chest and trying to look bigger.

"I don't know..' Briarrose shifted her paws.

"Please." Blossomkit pleased. "We're three moons old, she should've been exploring the camp last moon."

"But Owlkit--"

"I'll be fine!" Owlkit urged. "I'm small but i'll be okay, I promise!"

"Rushkit wrapped his tail around Owlkit's shoulders. "Plus, we'll take good care of her. Owlkit held her tongue, wanting to make a remark on how she could take care of herself, but she knew it would convince their mother.

After a long moment of silence, Briarrose sighed. "Fine, you can go outside."

Owlkit and her siblings ran out of th e nursery, letting out squeaks of excitement. Owlkit skidded to a stop behind Blossomkit, taking in the SunClan camp. She had seen it before but only the short distance between the nursery and the medicine cat den.

But now she was getting to explore the entire camp with her littermates, on the condition that they behaved and if Owlkit started feeling sick, the would go back. Owlkit didn't feel sick though, she had never felt more alive!. "What should we see first?" She questioned her littermates.

"I wanna see the apprentice den." Oakkit mewed. "Sinc we will be moving in there in three moons."

"I agree." Blossomkit mewed and together, the four kits marched towards the apprentice den. It wasn't too far from the nursery.

As of right now, SunClan had five apprentices, Maplepaw, Bramblepaw, Bluepaw, Windpaw and Snowpaw but they were all out training. It wouldn't be long before Bluepaw, Windpaw and Snowpaw were warriors. Rushkit and Oakkit rean ahead of Blossomkit and Owlkit. Rushkit poked his inside as the two she-cats approached. "It's bigger than the nursery." Rushkit reported.

Owlkit peered inside the den, Rushkit was right it was vert spacious. Several nests were made neatly in the back of the den. Owlkit was excited to become an apprentice.

She wouldn't have Briarrose looking over her shoulder every moment of the day, or be prodded and poked because her breathing looked slow.

"What should we do next." Blossomkit asked. "See the warriors' den?"

"Sounds like a plan to me." Oakkit agreed and the kits rushed to the neighboring den. Owlkit spotted Cherrylead and Cloudspots.

"Hey there kits!' Cherryleaf greeted cheerfully. "Briarrose finally let you out of her sights?"

"Rushkit nodded. "It took some convincing."

Cloudspots eyes rested on Owlkit. "How are you doing?"

Owlkit tensed. "I'm fine." She stuck her nose into the air, she hated how the Clan looked at her.

"Relax kit." Cloudspots chuckled. "I know what it's like to have countless cats fret over you."

"Really?" Owlkit tilted her head curiously. "Why?"

"My mother died giving birth to me and my two siblings didn't survive." Cloudspots explained. "Dawnstar was especially always looking over my shoulder."

"I thought Yarrowtail, Cinderflame and Pebblestep were your siblings." Oakkit questioned.

"They were born in a different litter, we had two more siblings before that who died."

"Thats sad." Blossomkit mewed sadly,

Cloudspots shrugged. "It was along time ago, and I never got to know them."

"We never got to know Firekit either." Rushkit mewed. "I don't even remember him." There was a long moment of silence, Owlkit felt uncomfortable and kind of sad as well. I wish I got to know him.

"Well," Cloudspots stretched out his claws, breaking the silence. "You kits have much more exciting things to do, I'm sure. Why don't you see if Dawnstar is in her den, maybe she'll show you the inside. She's pretty kind to kits."

"That sounds like fun!" Oakkit boasted, holding his head high. "I'd be happy to call that den my own some day." He puffed out his chest.

"Only if you can get over your own ego." Blossomkit playfully poked Oakkit in the shoulder with her paw. The tabby tom replied by snorting at her. Together, Owlkit and her siblings ventured across camp to Dawnstar's den. The leader was not inside her den, but as her siblings stuck their noses in for a moment, Owlkit couldn't help but feels eyes burning into her pelt.

She turned her head towards the medicine cat en, spotting Pebblestep. The medicine cat was picking up a pile of dried out leaves, her blue eyes were watching Owlkit closely. She started to feel uncomfortable and walked around, behind Rushkit, out of Pebblestep's line of sight. Can't I go one day without someone looking over my shoulder? Owlkit flicked her ears in annoyance.

A low rumble sounded overhead, Owlkit glanced towards the sky, it was turning into a pale gray with dark, threatning clouds moving in overhead.

"We should go back." She mewed to her siblings. "It looks like it's going to rain."

"It's just rain." Oakkit argued, flicking his tail. "Rain never hurt anybody."

"Yeah but Briarrose won't see it that way." Owlkit pointed out. "And if she's that we're responsible enough to come in at the sight of rain she'll let us come back outside sooner and more often."

"I guess." Oakkit sighed reluctantly. "We'll have to see more tomorrow."

Owlkit and her siblings arrived at the nursery, much to their mother's delight. The night went on as the kits settled down for the night. The rest of the nursery's inhabitants were sound asleep except for Owlkit. She struggled to find sleep, there was a slight rattle in her chest and her mind was wandering. She noticed how her Clanmates stared at her with pity and sympathy in their eyes. Her three siblings were strong and healthy, but she was sick, small and weak. Maybe they're right about me. Maybe I won't ever be a warrior.

At the thought, a storm began to rage inside of Owlkit's head. No. She declared silently. I'll prove them all wrong. I'll become the greatest warrior I can be, no matter what.

Waging War: Book 1: Beyond the Mountains {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now