Chapter 45 ~ Dyspnea

Start from the beginning

"Okay," Silver cuts in," I'm going to stop you right there. Take a breath. You don't have to do all this alone, you know? You keep heaving all these burdens onto your own shoulders, but you are not alone anymore, Knuckles. Let the rest of us help, you don't need to do everything for us."

"Thanks, Silver..." Knuckles pauses. "I... just have this horrible feeling."

"About what?"

"That this war isn't over."

I wanted to yell that it wasn't going to be when Phantom is still alive.

"That's just trauma from the war, Knuckles. Most soldiers can't cope to life after battle because that's all they have ever known. You just feel on edge, that's all. And if, only if, something was to happen, me, Sonic, Amy, Shadow, Rouge, we're all going to be here to help you through it."

"I... feel a lot better. Thank you... Silver."

I couldn't hold anything back anymore I start wheezing and coughing into my hands, trying to muffle it best I can. My heart pounds, praying they didn't hear anything as I try to hold my breath again.

"Knuckles, the doctor's finished surgery, he said (Y/N) is going to need a few days bedrest." This voice was high, a female. Somewhat annoying. It must be Amy Rose. "If she does go to her ceremony then she'll likely have to sit down for most of it since she's so weak. I recommended using the wheelchair again so she won't have to strain herself, and he said that could work."

"Hmm, alright. Hopefully she'll go, she's earned this after everything that she's done," Knuckles says. "Any idea what could've happened?"

"Shadow says that she started dropping all her belongings onto the floor when she walked into the base. Her holster was empty and her handgun was missing," Amy explains.

"So, you're saying whoever did this had taken her own weapon and shot her?!" Silver exclaims.

It was me! I think. I'm the monster who shot her. I cough more.

"... Do you hear something?" Knuckles asked, which made my eyes go wide and I crushed my mouth shut with all my strength. Silence followed for a moment.

"You're imagining things, Knuckles," Amy comforted. "You haven't slept well in weeks, go to bed. Please. No arguing."

"You know what?" Knuckles sighed. "I have too much of a headache for this. Screw being stubborn, I'm going to listen for once. If anything happens, let me know, okay? I'll be up in a few hours."

"We will! Sleep well," Silver said. After a few moments the soft voiced hedgehog spoke again. "Knuckles has been so stressed for the last few months. He really needs a break."

Slowly Amy and Silver's voices begin to fade away. The must have been walking back down the hallway.

"It's weird because it seems like it's getting worse now that there's no more battles, it's like Knuckles expects another life or death situation to come up," Amy added. "In all seriousness, I'm worried for him. He's been strong for all of us, and I just want to do the same for him."

"I understand how you feel..."

   And then they're gone, words are indecipherable. I release my mouth and cough into them freely, it seemed endless, throat dry.

Until finally, it stopped. My hands were trembling. My white muzzle was cold and my fingers were like ice, even with gloves on. I stare at my palms; they were covered in blood and saliva.

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