Chapter 25 ~ Denial

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Something is very wrong with me, I think as (Y/N)'s motionless body lies on the table. Her eyes were closed, there were dozens of wires sticking out of her arms and chest. An oxygen mask was over her mouth and nose. Most of her face was bruised, some scratches were spread out too. There was a large indent at the center of her forehead. Strange, I don't recall her being hit on the head. Luckily, any of the blood that exited her body was cleaned by one of the doctor's robot assistants.

I turn away from her, looking at the several screens. One of them had a monitor, showing a small heartrate despite the fact that (Y/N) could have fooled me for being dead. I suppose the lack of notable brainwave activity would add to this.

These emotions... what are they? With the Ruby's energy at full, I would often use its power to numb out my emotions as to not make irrational decisions in battle. Who am I fooling? I contradict myself. I didn't want to feel grief anymore.

I exhale, a strange tension building up in my chest. I shift my gaze to the screen that monitored the Resistance's radio line. They were speaking, but I found it hard to focus on what they said. The words would be processed in my head a few moments later.

"Infinite must have used almost all his power creating the sun," the young Fox explained. "The Phantom Ruby should be at minimal energy. This is our only chance to stop Infinite!"

I place a hand on my mask, closing my eyes in thought, trying to pull what remained of my thoughts together. Two plans came to mind. One: remain here and not risk being defeated.

I cannot be defeated, I think. Besides, they believe this is their only chance to defeat me. That means... that I'm considered a threat! They believe I am powerful. I am superior to them!

                       That only leaves the second plan. Face them and prove that even without the Ruby, I can still annihilate them all. I open my eyes, though the back of them hurt. Along with my skull and parts of my brain. The migraine felt like it could have been splitting my head in two.

I fold my hand over my chest, slightly under the Ruby – since it obviously prevents me from crossing my arms normally – and looked back at (Y/N). A take a step towards the table after a moment's delay. I stare at her. She was in horrible condition. Anybody could have easily perished at the fall, but with such energy loss... But I suppose (Y/N) isn't "normal".

My eyes move to her neck, the scars served as memories – no, nightmares – of times long passed. Two pricks at each side of her windpipe, along with other lines stretching out horizontally. With the events that (Y/N) has experienced, I'm not surprised that she hasn't spoken a word in the interactions we've had.

I shake my head when a strange weight tugs at my heart. I turn away, looking at her helps the damn emotions rise. I must keep them at bay. Even though I no longer was looking at (Y/N), I could still imagine the wires vividly. My mind began to play tricks on me again. I thought of the dozens of wires and fluids that went under my skin during my "birth". Experiments... pain. Though the first steps were not simple ones, not that they ever are, I have achieved symbiosis. Mastery of illusions. And the world will forever know my name, whether I perish or not. My presence in history will linger for infinity!

Are we... going to crush that blue rat finally? The voice asks, voice almost... faded. Weak?

You sound as though you're in pain, I think, speaking to it. It seemed strange that it was so calm.

Well, you try conjuring a sun and see how your energy levels are afterwards, they growled.

I did. The person was silent, probably rolling their eyes, if they had any.

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