Chapter 6 ~ Back in Action

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Sonic and I ran, side by side, blowing past enemies easily. Mostly Sonic though, even in his weak state, he was still faster than me. He got to most of the robots first, I cleaned up the remaining ones he left behind. Which was common since Sonic's attacks and accuracy weren't as exact as they were. It's only natural that six months in solitary confinement would do that to you.

   "The factory is inside the pyramid," Knuckles says over my newly fixed radio. Apparently, it had taken "several hits" and Amy needed to fix it. That had confused me, the receiver worked just fine. I also noted that repairing it took Amy a long time.

   "I can send reinforcements if you can't handle it."

   Sonic stopped running and looked up. I dug my shoes into the metal flooring to slow myself and stood next to him. His green eyes were looking up at the pyramid. There was a large road or a highway of sorts leading all the way to the factory. Hundreds of Robotnik's twisted creations stood guard on the metal road, waiting.

   I had seen the giant building when we first got here. Sonic and I had been shown a visual of what the factory looked like back at base, but seeing how large it was in person almost sent a vibe of intimidation. But I shove down this feeling by thinking about something else. That something else happened to be how calm the sky was. But then when I look into the blue, I see dark fumes fading into the air. Exhaust, smoke and gases from the factory. I frown at this. The moment when I think that I can't hate Robotnik any more, I'm given another reason.

   Sonic smiled, putting a finger over his ear. "No need! The two of us are more than enough. We'll blitz the place and open up a path for the Resistance."

   He took his finger off his earpiece, letting his still bandaged arm fall by his side. Sonic elbows me playfully. "Right, partner?"

   "Hmm?" I hum. Partner? I reflect inside my head. As in, we will be teaming up often now? What did he mean?!

   He held out his fist, smirking. I raised mine to copy what he was doing. Sonic hit his hand into mine, a fist bump. I still had mine held out in stun, confused by the gesture of warmth and friendliness. How has he developed this strong of a connection to me? And most importantly, why do I feel the need to make a connection with him back?

   Sonic began running towards the pyramid. Dashing through enemies as he went. Sonic must know not to push himself too hard, because I was easily able to catch up to him. Or perhaps he truly was weakened. I was able to blaze the robots Sonic missed before they could hurt either of us.

   Once our area was clear, Sonic ran ahead, looking back at me and not ahead. I had barely caught up to him before he ran over a ledge. I quickly grabbed Sonic's hand and launching my grappling hook, steering us on an angle. Our feet grinded against the curved, thin pipeline, my arm was at a painful angle.

   I reshot my grapple at the ground, pulling us towards a group of robots. We both held out our feet, kicking the nearest robot in the cranium. After, Sonic stepped back to let me shoot fire from my flamethrower. The robots burn orange then melt into the road.

   "Okay, that's a lot of land to cover," Sonic says, looking up the highway at the pyramid. He looks at me and holds out his hand. "Let's tag team, I'll run you there." Sonic smirks. "I think you can keep up with me."

   I tilt my head, slightly confused by what Sonic had meant. "Keep up"? What is he hinting at? That I have super speed or some ability that can aid me? No. Maybe I have better speed than most, but I don't have any amazing powers... I've accepted that fact long ago. I'm ordinary. Just... me.

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