Chapter 21 ~ Null Space

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He's gone. 

   Infinite flew off to the east, disappearing within seconds. Even though he was long gone, I still stared wide eyed where he stood. My fingers fumbled to reload my rifle.

   There were 20 dead Mobians, most suffered from large burns or had chunks of their bodies blown off. The rest were shot by giant bullets or had fallen below with the rest of the broken bridge.

   Finally, I reloaded. Rouge was talking, but I barely heard. My mind was too distracted. Overwhelmed. Overloaded with information. First, the end of the world itself is eminent. Then I find out that I'm related to two of the most powerful hedgehogs on the planet. And now, the very being who took away my only family was just in front of me, and I couldn't even shoot him.

   It was impossible to stay calm. I've tried for what feels like forever. A knot was in my throat, my eyes were starting to burn. This charade of keeping my shit together wasn't going to last much longer.

   "You alright?" You don't look so good," Rouge asks, concern edging her tone.

   I force a nod, looking over the bridge. Something was taking over me. Vengeance? Hate? A fear of Rouge seeing me cry? Whatever it was, I pushed it aside.

   I extend out my arm, firing my grapple at the top of an apartment building, allowing myself get carried across the bridge. And I kept repeating this cycle, over and over, traveling from building to building. Following the trail of Infinite.

   Rouge called after me, maybe she flying, trying to keep up. But never caught me. And I never bothered to look back at her.

   I was locked on target. And I had no intention of letting him go.

   "Hello?!" a young, high voice cried over the radio, desperation filling his tone. "I need help on the roof of Eggman's tower right away!"

   Tails' voice had snapped me out of my trance. I must have gotten back into signal radius. I doubt anyone was as close to Robotnik's HQ compared to me. I need to respond.

   "Rouge here, I'll get there as soon as I can." Was she still looking for me?

   "I'm about four minutes out, sit tight," a low voice says over the radio. It could only be Shadow. My half-brother.

   "Hur—ry!" Tails' voice was being cut off. Radio interference. It wasn't a coincidence.

   Robotnik's tower was nearby. I swung up onto a large rooftop then rushed to the edge. Below, several yards away was a large tower. Vents, exhausts and solar panels covered the roof. What really drew my eye was the large, black circle floating in the center of the roof. A portal of some sort? I pull my goggles down from my head over my eyes.

   Robotnik was – per usual – sitting in his hovering craft, likely giving a monologue. Infinite levitated in front of him, arm outstretched towards the "portal", muscles tense, almost trembling with effort.

   Tails hid behind a vent, holding a radio to his mouth. Tails leaned around the vent to peak at Sonic as the hedgehog stood in the middle of the roof with his hands held out, in fists. He was ready to react to any acts of aggression. I couldn't see Sonic's face, his scarred back to me.

   Robotnik waved a goodbye to Sonic, floating backwards. I knew it wouldn't take much longer for the situation to escalate.

   Infinite held out his other arm, Robotnik escaping while he distracted Sonic. Infinite's hands glowed a bright red, with a growl of effort that I could hear from up here. He let out a burst of energy and was launched backwards, out of sight. The strange black enlarges by several times.

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