Chapter 20 ~ It Begins

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Our attack chopper slowly eased above the Metropolitan highway, wind from the rotors hitting against the midair road. The lack of any dirt thousands of feet in the air made the landing easier, I hopped out, grateful no earth flooding into my eyes. I raise my assault rifle, line of sight scanning the area, after a few squeezes of the trigger it was a platform littered with metal corpses.

   Rouge walked up next to me, two pistols in her hands. She raised a brow with a confident smile as she tilted her head at me.

   I didn't know what that smile meant. "I'm watching you"? "Let's kill some bots"? I never could really tell was on her mind. Rouge had come up with the idea to split the team up, stating that "you shouldn't keep all the 'important' people in one chopper." After, she had been eager to team up with me.

   Rouge had ditched her normal black bodysuit for thicker one, it offered more padding and protection. Plus, it covered her entire body, all the way up to her neck. Not that the new suit didn't complement her figure. I found out Rouge could rock purple, switching out her heart shaped chest plate for one of that colour.

   The platoon we were assigned with spread out from the helicopter then across the Metropolitan highway. They fired at any robots that stood in our way. I tightened my grip on my marksmen rifle and follow them all. I made sure to never remain in one spot for too long, constantly moving to avoid any target lock.

   "Don't stop! Don't look back!" Knuckles commands over the radio. "Just keep pushing forward no matter what!"

   When the radio went silent a brief scream filled my left ear. I turned to face it. An otter laid on the ground, face covered in blood due to the scorch mark and hole in the top of their skull, the helmet they wore useless to defend what would happen. Their fur was a pale beige, almost white. White otter... Ash...

   "Don't worry about it, girl!" Ash patted me on the back, taking out one of her earbuds.

   My hand reaches down to the fallen Mobian. About to grab the metal link around their neck, their dog tags.

   "Being antisocial isn't problem. Have you met Leviathan yet? He's the definition of 'get the hell away from me, I don't want to talk to you'. I think you'd make good friends."

   I quickly shake my head, snapping myself out of the spiral of memories. I ignored the dead soldier. If we win, we will be able to recover their body. If not, then there's no point in remembering someone before all existence is wiped out.

   I looked through my scope. Several dozen robots blocked the highway up ahead. I reached into one of the several pouches on my belt, pulling out a small shell. I inserted it into a second barrel on my gun. With the click of a button, it was set to grenade launcher mode. I quickly pull my goggles down over my eyes.

   I glimpse over at Rouge, who looked back at me as she reloaded her sidearms. I extended my hand, fingers close together, flat. And made a patting motion in the air, gesturing for her to get low.

   She understood and shouted to the other soldiers. "Fire in the hole!"

   They knew what that term meant. All the soldiers and Rouge quickly stopped everything and dropped down onto their stomachs.

   My finger tugged the trigger. The bomb shell launched into the crowd of mechs. The recoil sent a small kick, but it wasn't too difficult to handle.

   I shielded my eyes as the shell burst. Exploding. After the smoke cleared, nothing but scrap and burnt wires remained.

   We pushed forward, continuing to let bullets fly. Grenades were thrown. Fire and blaster bolts unleashed. The knot caused by anxiety slowly grew again as another soldier was shot, falling to the ground beside me.

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