Chapter 1 ~ Mission Briefing

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It has been 6 months. In that small amount of time, the world had crumbled at Robotnik's feet. All because he had a new plan, and, for once, it worked. He had been able to recruit Shadow, Zavok, Metal Sonic and Chaos.

   With them on his side, the world was bound to fall quickly. Becoming a force to be reckoned with. How, and why some of them had pledged their loyalty to Robotnik is still a mystery.

   But there is a new face, one that has never been seen on the side of evil. A strange Mobian with a terrifying mask took down Sonic. He is the one who had truly turned the tides of the war. Killing thousands without hesitation. Few ever lived to tell the tale of his merciless violence. But everyone knew that if you cross him, you will die.

   Everyone feared him.


"Eggman's army is unstoppable!" Vector exclaims as he barges into the room. A hand on the side of his head, eyes exhausted from war, although only a few scratches and bruises remained on his scales from the last battle.

   Everyone turned to face him, interrupting what they were doing to listen to Vector, waiting for him to make his point. "Without Sonic, the people are losing hope and giving into despair." Vector crossed his arms, shaking his head as his eyes lowered. Seemingly giving into despair himself.

   Silver's golden eyes hardened as he crossed his own arms. "Despair is a luxury we don't have," he says. It was true. War means that if you don't harden, you will be crushed and left behind. If you don't put up a fight, you will die in your first one.

   "I still dream Sonic's with us..." Amy mumbles. Holding a gloved hand over her heart, her eyes closed in sadness. "Do you think he might be..." her drained eyes opened. Looking into the distance, but not quite fixating on anything. Amy hasn't been the same since what happened to Sonic. Not as cheerful. She has barely been in the field since. War takes many things, and it changes people. But there is a difference between hope and delusions.

   Tails had seen what happened to Sonic. Even if Tails had lied about what he said, Sonic wouldn't have let the war get this bad. He would not have let Eggman take all those souls...

   "I'm an optimist, but I'm also a realist," Silver states, hooking a thumb at his heart. His nice way of saying that it was impossible that Sonic was alive. "Sonic is gone. And Tails... he's... just lost it. If we're going to win, we will have to do it without them."

   "Silver is right," Espio's smooth, deep voice cuts in. "We've been hoping for a miracle for these last six months," he says, laying down his hands on the metal table everyone surrounded. "I'm afraid we must make our own miracle."

   A silence fell over everyone. Taking in what they needed to do. Miracles were rare, but they happen. But miracles can't happen if you're dead.

   "Eggman's army has everybody terrified. If we are going to rally the people, we have to prove to them that strength doesn't only come in numbers." Silver insists, holding up a fist.

   Everyone's eyes re-hardened. All but Charmy, who was surprisingly quiet the whole time, had spoken up. "Not everyone is terrified. Isn't a new recruit joining us today?" he asks, trying to lift the mood with his happy aura.

   "Yes," Silver nods, "a survivor from the city, right?"

   Amy was the first to respond. Opening the lid of her laptop, pressing a few keys to turn on the large screen on the wall. "I'm accessing the file now."

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