Chapter 30 ~ What Could Have Been

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When my eyes open ever so slightly, I immediately wish I never woke up. I was lied against a metal wall, as if my spine and joints didn't hurt enough. Sonic was holding me by my arms, green eyes looking deeply into mine, worried.

Gadget was behind him, even more concerned. He kept looking over Sonic's shoulder at me. There were bruises covering his neck due to Infinite's harsh grip.

My head hangs limply, falling to the side slightly. It gave me view of Silver who sat near me. He had a pained expression on his face, his hands glowed as he held them over his bleeding side. The stiches that were loosely hanging out of Silver's skin – staying in by the few wires that remained in his flesh – were being tightened and re-stitched by Silver's telekinesis.

My mind was not ready for that sight, and I winced at the gasps of pain Silver made. A hand gently touches the side of my face and makes me look away.

Sonic was looking into me again. "Don't look at that," he said. Sonic's eyes searched mine, looking for something. Then my face, my blank canvas which is has nothing on it – no emotion.

Sonic looks back at Gadget, not letting go of my face. "Do you know any first aid?" he asks, voice serious. It was strange to see Sonic like this, not taking the chance to make some sort of moral-boosting comment.

"T-the basics, yeah," Gadget stuttered, sounding disappointed in himself. I took note that his voice sounded strained, almost in pain. "I-I didn't train for becoming a medic."

"Well, it's better than nothing," Sonic stated. "See if you can help Silver, then if he can move, get help. If Silver can't... you need to go alone."

Gadget exhaled slowly; eyes wide. "O-okay, okay. I got this." He crawled over to Silver, whispering to himself. "I can do this..."

Sonic looks back at me. "You're gonna be okay," he assures. Did I look that bad? But that thought got pushed away with how much I wanted Sonic to remove his hand from my face.

Through the agony, I raise my trembling arm, hand weakly grabbing his wrist. I pulled slightly, and Sonic lowered his hand. But then he held mine. I felt a strange sense of comfort from this. I squeezed his hand, mostly because everything hurt and I needed a way to cope with it.

The way Sonic was talking made it seem like I was about to die. Was I?

"Just don't pass out again, alright?" Sonic forces a smile, trying to clear up to overly serious tension. He could sense my worry. His eyes looked sad. Why?

I won't, brother.

I try to speak as an important thought enters my mind, but nothing escapes my lips. Sonic looks at me, trying to decipher what I was trying to say. Only tiny squeaks escape my voice box, but they don't form anything close to words. I avert my gaze, looking to the ground, still trying with desperation.

"H-hey, you don't need to use your voice," Sonic said.

I look up at him, fear edging my heart. I prayed he could read my lips.

Save Shadow.

Sonic stares, becoming pale. I let go of him hand, and he does the same. He turns his head to his left, looking where I assumed, we came from. Sonic looked back at me, conflicted.

I nod at him, a gesture that he needs to go. Infinite, no, whatever that thing is won't show Shadow any mercy...

Sonic sighs as he gets up, seeming almost... guilty. "Stay safe," he says, then runs off.

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