Chapter 10 ~ Metropolis

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Something was wrong with me. All that ran my mind thought about was the dead bodies of Gadget's team. The puma, with her skull split in half, her brain visible through the blood. Gadget, with his leg sliced open, blood spurting out with his heartbeat. It felt like I was going to vomit. I gag, leaning to the side. Luckily, nothing passed.

   My face was wet, I raised a glove to my cheek. Tears? I'm crying. Why am I crying? I'm not the one who should be crying, Gadget and Felix should be! I'm being selfish!

   I banged my fist against the wall, hard. I didn't care about the pain, since I didn't feel any. The pain in my stomach would overwhelm any pain anyways.

   What the hell is wrong with me?! I mentally demanded. Wait, I understand now. "We know the signs of shock, but when it happens to us, we don't understand what's happening", Neon had once told me. That's what's happening to me. I'm in shock.

   I cried, silently sobbing as I listened to the conversation that continued without me. While I sat here, crying alone, miserable. Nobody was going to bother checking on me, I hope.

   "So, Infinite can recreate all those familiar faces for Eggman's army?" Sonic asks.

   "Replicas," Shadow responds. "The problem is, even if they're fake, their powers are just as formidable as the originals. Luckily, it takes fewer hits to take them down."

   That explains how I was able to kill the fake so easily.

   "According to Rouge. Infinite can create unlimited numbers of them."

   "So, fight after fight, they'll just keep coming?" Sonic says, almost hopeless.

   "Exactly. As it stands, there's no way we can win this," Shadow deadpans.

   Optimistic much?

   Using the back of my hand, I wiped away my tears, but remained where I was. I didn't need a mirror to know my eyes were red. I can't be seen like this.

   "Of course, we can win this! We always do!" Sonic assures. "We... just haven't figured that part out yet..."

   I could tell Shadow had rolled his eyes, even if I couldn't see it. "Correction, smart ass," Shadow says bluntly. "We did always win. Just look outside. It's hell out there."

   Large footsteps come from my right, my body tenses in realization that Vector had never come back from the medical wing. My hands cover my face so that he wouldn't be able to see evidence of my breakdown. I just hoped he would keep walking and somehow not notice my tiny body sitting against the wall.

   That wasn't the case. "Rookie? You okay there, buddy?" Vector's deep voice asks. Almost sounding concerned.

   I gave a thumbs up, not moving my other hand from my face.

   "Saw something you didn't want to see?" Vector questioned, though it seemed he already knew the answer. This was strange, Vector seemed very aware of emotions at this moment in time.

   I nod into my hands, not looking up. I sniffled slightly.

   "Come on, bud, let's go back in the bull pen. You can just hide behind me. After I'll you to the medical wing." I glance up, Vector had his large hand extended out to me, he was smiling.

   Somehow, without thought, my hand reaches out for his. Vector pulls me up without any effort. He quickly glances back at me before walking through the bull pen doors. I make sure to obscure myself in Vector's giant shadow. The giant crocodile slowly walked to the left, to a space in the back of the room where no one stood. He angled his body to face everyone so no one could see me hidden behind him. I wondered what Vector was gaining from this and why he was doing this.

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