Save me.

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⚠️⚠️still editing so things may change later.⚠️⚠️

- Silver -

The walk to the clearing took longer then I'd hoped and I couldn't help but feel paranoid. I felt the hairs on my neck stand tall and goosebumps spread over my delicate skin every time we changed directions. I knew someone was watching me but every time I turned around there was nothing there.
"Silver is everything alright?"
Atlas says pulling me to a stop and moving my hair behind my shoulders.

"Yeah, I just feel like someone is watching me."
When I say this both guys tense and look around and guard me like we were going to be ambushed.

"Nothings here baby girl just stay close we are nearly there."
Atlas whispers in my ear and nips it as Greyson keeps staring out into the trees behind me. Atlas nudges his shoulder braking him out of his trance and blinks up at us confused.

"Right... Umm— it's just over there."
Greyson breathes out and shakes his shoulders probably feeling the uneasy feeling I do about being watched.

As soon as we get to the clearing in the woods there's only one person there and I run to him feeling so excited to see he's okay.

As soon as we get to the clearing in the woods there's only one person there and I run to him feeling so excited to see he's okay

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Zed raps his arms around me and gives a sly smile.

"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes."
He says and I blush brightly leaning in to kiss him deeply. But then his grip tightened making it painful.

"Ouch! Zed your hurting me..."
I try to wiggle out of his grip but his body forces me closer while he licks up my jaw to the top of my cheek bones. He chuckles and grips my chest tightly making me feel sick to my stomach.
Somethings not right.
I watch as the guys run over trying to figure out what the commotion was when Jasmine steps out of the tent smirking.

"Ohhh Donovan... what did I tell you. I knew she wouldn't be able to stay away for long."
Jasmine says before picking up a blade and motions for Zed to take care or the guys.
Wait... Donovan? Who the fuck is Donovan?

I get my answer soon as the black mist shoots out of zeds mouth and springs forward hitting Greyson in the chest making him scream loudly as it begins to tear at his shirt.
The black mist does this until his trapped in a red powdered circle. Greyson shifts showing his sleek black and white wolf baring his teeth at the mist as I lay Zeds body to the ground slowly.

I'm so distracted by watching Greyson battle in his circle prison thatI don't see Jasmine lift the knife over me and plunge it in my stomach.

Zed shifts beside me and I watch as blood pours from my wound. Jasmine laughs and pulls my hair back as Greyson growls at the mist and atlas stops helping Greyson to run to my side. He lifts Jasmine in the air with some kind out magic as he looks at my stomach.

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