Save me.

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                                     - Silver -

   Darkness all I see is darkness until finally a ghost of a vision appears in front of me. People from all directions are killing wolfs and gods with special swords. Atlas is trying hard to reason with the humans but it just angers them more. The attack are brutal and when a newborn baby is snatched from one of the gods hands and stabbed in the heart Atlas screams. He rushes to his brothers side trying to calm him but his starts striking lightning down on the humans. Slowly the gods disappear and few are left standing. Atlas glares at them all as he falls to the ground holding on to his brother wishing out loud how he wanted the gift to heal. He said he want this to end.
     "Michael please!!! Wake up... please we need you."
The rest of the brothers fight off the humans until hades snaps his fingers and they all freeze.
    "Atlas... its time. You know what you must do. Keep them safe, don't let our kind parish."
    Michael's eyes lose color and his skin turns cold and colorless. I can fell his pain as tears fall past his eyes onto his closet brothers chest. When Atlas looks up his eyes are heavy with pain, and in this moment he looks vulnerable.
    "Don't worry brother I will not let you down."
He lays his brothers head to the ground and closes lifeless his eyes. He backs away and stays slouched like it would take to much effort to stand.
Atlas grimaces as he snaps his fingers and yells loudly making the earth shake.

With everyone moving once again as they all stare at him surprised by his outburst like it's something he's never done before

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With everyone moving once again as they all stare at him surprised by his outburst like it's something he's never done before.
"Everyone fall back! We will avenge our family and friends one day mark my words. For now we will bury those we lost and spend this time grieving."
He stares out over the humans and I shiver at the look he gives them.
"If your smart you will leave now before I tare your souls from your bodies and burn them for all eternity."
The humans drop their weapons and run screaming tripping over bodies in a hast of their speedy exit. The gods and supernatural grab their loved ones and disappear as once again blackness takes over my line of sight.

A new image of a life without humans takes over my line of sight as the supernatural live peacefully and gods can be themselves anywhere the Rome. I see children laughing and chasing wolf pups. Large plants glow in the darkness and light up the night around them. In the vision I see a small boy who look a lot like Zed run up to me.

"Are we safe now momma?"

Two other children looking the same age but look nothing alike run up behind him tossing a bucket of water on him and he giggles and runs after them screaming.
"I'm gunna get chew for dat!"
I giggle as my mother and my... my father? No I know that's my father. Why is he here?
"Silver fallow me, you need to rest."
I squinted at him and he chuckles.
"Yes I'm really here."
I look to the left and see Michael Atlas's brother holding a guitar as My brother helps start singing to a group of children around a campfire. I gasp as warm hands grab me from behind.
"No I think she's fine pops."
I look back and see Greyson and Atlas smiling down at my swollen stomach and I feel my heart warm. With one last look around the beautiful sight I'm zooming through the darkness to a bright light.

"Silver... can you hear me?"
I blink my eyes and see Atlas above me with a worried look in his eyes.
"Your right.... mom, humans can't co exist with our kind. Either you change them all or I'll kill them myself!"
She gasps at me and Atlas seems shocked.
"Silver how could you say this?"
I look up at her and grip Atlas's hand tightly for support.
"Mom I don't know how but if we do this Dad, Michael, my brother... all the ones we love will come back. And before you tell me Atlas is just putting those thoughts in my mind I'm going to say this. I could feel it was real. I know in my heart this is what we must do."
My mothers eyes grow wide and Atlas smiles down at me and leans down to kiss my cheek.
"Thank you."
I blink at him and pull him down by his shirt so I can whisper in his ear.
"Meet me in the shed tonight."
He groans and looks down at my with a glimmer of promise passing through his eyes.
"Wouldn't miss it for the world my amantes regina."
Loving queen. How do I know that's what he means? Can I speak a new language?
"Well I guess I've either failed as a mother or... my Daughter knows something I don't. I will make plans to start teaching you magic. In the mean time.. Silver I'd really like to plan a day for just the two of us. If you say your father is coming back I want to be able to tell him everything I can about you. Trevor... if he is truly going to be here as well... I'll have to do the same for him."
A tear slides down her face as she snaps her fingers. In a full blown fury Zed shoots fire at Atlas who just dodges it with a flick of his wrist.
"Zed calm down we are okay." His eyes instantly change to a warm honey amber color and the fire covering his body summers down into steam with my soothing voice.
Greyson shifts back grabbing a pillow to cover his front being polite to those in the room.
"Did he hurt you? I'll kill him."
Zed yells at his dad and I growl at him.
"No more killing! I've seen enough of it. I'll explain this to you later but for right now I need to be alone with my mom so she can teach me my magic."
I look around the room and watch as everyone nods.
Atlas kisses my lips sweetly before helping me back to my feet. I must have fainted while the visions took place.
"By the way... I told you, you where a big softy."
I kiss his nose and stare into his unique blue colored eyes. He chuckles and steps back so Greyson and Zed check me over hugging and kissing me desperately like they were scared I'd been harmed.
"Dad we need to talk."
Zed growls and I flinch. Greyson runs his finger through my hair and gives me one last kiss before he clears his throat.
"Alright, you heard my mate. She wants to be alone with her mom. Let's give them some privacy."
The room emptied my mom looks at me and smiles brightly.
"I can tell when your lying you know. Your eyes tend to change colors with your moods. Anyway I know you truly believe this is what's right. I'm proud of you but I just want you to understand what your doing. Humans will no longer exist."
I nod and take her hands in mine.
"I'm sure mother I don't want to kill them. I just want to change them."

"Alright well if your going to do this there's one thing I think you should know silver..."
I blink at her as her face lights up and her hand places on my stomach.
"Honey your pregnant."

Ohhhhhhhh!!! Okay my mind is blown. What is silver going to do now? Are they really out of danger now? Is the vision she had real? Who's the father? And most importantly if she's really pregnant will she tell them about it? Stay tuned to find out. 😏

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