Save me.

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                                    - Silver -

I gasp shooting straight up from the floor as pain shoots through my arm and I look around begging this all to just be a dream. I can smell my blood as the ruby color soaked my blouse. I feel like screaming. How did it get through the barrier? What am I going to do? I rush through the house hoping that Greyson or Atlas can help.
     "Atlas!!! Greyson..."
I get no answer. I rush to the white marble covered sink back in the kitchen and run my burning hand under the water. That knife must have been laced with something because I'm feeling light headed. The red hot fever I'm running has another reason to believe that it was tainted with something.
I scream again holding onto the sink tighter to keep my balance. I hear the door slam open and loud boot clumps over the tile floors.
"What the hell happened in here! Your nose is bleeding."
He looks me over and sees the gash in my hand that is slowly healing but turning a nasty black color.
"What. happened. Silver!"
I hear his voice ringing in my ears and I shake my head to clear blurry mind as warm tears stain my cheeks.
"You need to clean this wound now. It's getting infected the longer it's like this."
I want to scream that Zed is missing. I want to rip open whoever helped the black mist pass the barrier.
"Your going to need to use magic. The blade that cut you must have been one of the older weapons the humans used to weaken us and even kill in some cases."
He lifts me off my feet and takes us to my room taking two steps at a time up the stairs. When we reach the doors I can't help but feel the hairs on my neck stand straight up as a vision of Zed plays in my mind. In the vision it's dark and fuzzy. But the concrete cell is dirty and cold. The lights flicker over him as he rocks his body back and forth screaming as something tries to reach him for inside the wall. Goopy blood pours down from the ugly human like creature with no face. The wall shifts and the ugly creature disappears.
"No... no,no,no,no..."
He mutters as a sound of a screeching saw hits metal. Then loud screams erupt through my ears as Zed looks up with fear in his eyes.

As if he knew I could see him his words were directed at me.
The vision darkens as I'm pulled back to reality and look up at Atlas who is cleaning my shaking hand.
"Zed is gone! I think he's in limbo. The black mist... the evil spirts took him."
Atlas's face turns pale as his eyes glow brightly.
"My... my son is missing? And you think he's in.. limbo?"
His voice is broken up and slightly angry.
"I saw him. Something is wrong with that place.. it's,"
I scream as he pulls a piece of medal out of my hand.
"Silver I know what limbo is. It's the in between, also known as the further. Some people can open their minds while sleeping while some are trapped there after being there for so long. Some are there waiting to see if their human body's in this world will live and then others... others are waiting for a decision were their souls will go from there."
He wraps my hand and continues.
"Limbo is a place made by the 7 circles of hell. Those who have been there to long end up turning into living nightmares... demons and creatures that even I find disgusting. If he is in limbo we truly need a miracle to get him back."
A tear slides down his cheek as he looks down and pulls me into his arms.

"     A tear slides down his cheek as he looks down and pulls me into his arms

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"I'll find him. I promise."
I say just as Greyson comes barging in out of breath and covered in sweat.
"I saw a woman breach the barrier. We need to get out of here now!"
I look up at him and feel sick to my stomach as Jasmines laughter fills my ears with a low humming noise.
"Is she still out there?"
He looks at my hand and growls loudly.
"I don't think so but the shit that came in with her might come back. We need to leave."

Greyson was right about one thing, we do need to leave. I grab a bag and start packing as fast as I can with my aching body.

"We are going to find Zed. No matter what comes at us, I can't let him break his promise to me."

The promise he made to us.
I think to myself and rub my stomach praying I can get through this without the danger I fear is coming.

Greyson's eyes lock with mine as he nods along with Atlas.

"Let's go find my son and make whoever did this pay!"

- Anonymous -

Oh the things I have planned. Silver doesn't stand a chance now that I'm working with an army of dark spirts. Those who don't fallow me will bow to me soon and I'll have more then leadership. I'll have what i always wanted. The dark spirts before me drop his lifeless body in front of me and I check his pulse.
"I said not to harm him! We made a deal, if you can't keep up your end you should find a different body to possess."
The mist forms into twelve demented spirits who all shudder with my presence.
"We needed to make sure he wouldn't fight back. We did what you asked. Don't worry your pretty little head. You will have your man.... and we will have our freedom and a vessel to control."
I run my hands over the boiling water and hiss slightly as the warmth burns me.
"And did you kill her?"
They fell silent and I scoff.
"We stabbed her with the jewel knife. She's weak now and we are going to finish her soon."

"Maybe your not as useless as I was lead to believe... I will kill her myself, but first I want you to make sure that Zed here, doesn't wake up any time soon."
I walk towards the circle in the open area and light the candles and look through the mist.

"     I walk towards the circle in the open area and light the candles and look through the mist

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"You May enter his body now."

Oh fudge buckets! Well this can't be good. Keep reading to find out what happens next. Love y'all 🤗
Stay beautiful!

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