
475 14 11

this was a prompt suggested to me by juubi-mage0327

"Come on toothless! We're leaving, forever."

Toothless bounced over to his rider with glee, they were finaly leaving the small island they were on! The dragon couldn't wait to get far far away from the place that caused his friend so much pain and suffering. Far away from the loneliness he smelled on his Hiccup.

"Let's get out of here bud, i'm not staying a second longer in this hell holle!" Hiccup snapped.

Toothless grunted in agreemend before taking of into the sky. Hiccup clutched at his sadle in slight surprise, he was used to Toothless' speed but the sudden take off had startled him enough that he dropped his book.

"My book!!"

Toothless looked behind him and saw the flimsy little book hurdling towards the ground he was about to turn back when he saw another human entering the clearing, looking up when the book crashed at their feet.

"Oh well, I don't need it anyway." Hiccup sighed.

So they kept flying instead, never once turning back to see a blonde viking look up in shock.

Astird was angry, furious even. How come that a good for nothing like Hiccup won from her. Something was going on here and she was gonna find out, no matter what. Silently she followed him deep into the forrest before losing his trail once again.

"Ugh! Damnit!" 

Swinging her axe in anger she cursed her luck. She had been the best in dragon training when suddenly useless had caught up to her, surpassing her not long after. How?! How was he beating her, Astrid Hofferson, like it was nothing?!

Stomping around aimlesly she found herself in an aria she had never been before, she was about to turn back when something caught her eye instead. A shield, one of their shields. It seemed to be stuck between to giant brick walls.

Cautiously she aproached the curious sight, her axe raised and ready to strike. Tugging at the wooden board was useless, the thing was realy stuck in there. How had it even gotten there, she was pretty far from the village. No one ventured this far into the woods, especially not alone.

Slowly she crept underneath it, tuning back just wasn't an option anymore now. There had to be a reason why the shield was left there, maybe someone had gotten lost or hurt. She tried to remember if anyone had been reported missing but nothing came up.

This could mean a number of things then, either they had a traitor in their mits or it was Hiccups doing. Or worse Hiccup was the traitor, not that it would be all that surprising. The useless viking had always been withdrawn and kept to himself more often then not. She wouldn't care if it was true, it would give her an exuse to finaly be rid of the twerp.

With new found determination Astrid silently stalked into the clearing. Altough the smug grin was quickly wiped of off her face when she found the inclove empty. Their was no sign of anyone having been there eccept for the shield.

"Damnit! I was so sure I had him this time! how did he get away. Again! grrr!" She grumbled.


The blonde teen jumped to the side when something crashed next to her, landing near her feet. It was a book. Hiccups book. Looking up she gasped. A dragon!! Her first thought was that the twick of a viking had been carried of just like his mother was.

But looking closer she could make out the small human figure on the dragons back instead of dangling from it's masieve claws.


Picking up the book she tunred and ran back in the direction of the village as fast her legs could carry her. The chief had to be told that his son was a traitor, one that conspired with their worst enemy.

"The chief isn't going to like this." Astrid winced.

Toothless cooed at his hatchling, sensing both sadness and anger. His poor Hiccup seemed conflicted with silly human emotion, if you asked him Hiccup should be furious. He had every right to be, how dare the other humans treat an ancient one like that!

"W-what?! D-did you just...talk?!" Hiccup yelped.

'You can understand me now?' The dragon asked tentatively.

"H-how are-?!" 

'Calm down Hiccup, I will expain everything to you shortly. The fact that you can hear me now means it's time for you to learn the truth about you heritage'  Toothless explained.

"Bu-but, what do mean, heritage? I have a hertitage? I mean other then being the chiefs son, wich now that I think about never really meant anything anyway. If it came down to it they would devinetely make snotloud the heir. Or even Astrid. She would be an even better chieftan then Snotloud could ever hope to be-"

'Hiccup, you're rambling.'  the dragon grumbled.


'Hatchlings' Toothless sighed.

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