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Once everyone left Aizawa alone, he crawled back into his sleeping bag, coffee could only do so much. The students just sweat dropped at the tired man's antics.

"Right, I've got another one up and loaded but I need to explain a few things." K said.

"Go for it." Midnight replied.

"So, All for One is Midoriya's dad in this."

"You mean the big bad guy All Might fought at Kamino?!"  Sato yelled.

"The very same." K nodded.

All Might seemed to have gone into shock.

"All Might chill, nobody knows who his dad is in your universe."

The symbol of peace puffed out a sigh of relief.

"Inko figured out she'd married a villain and she divorced him but Izuku never knew about him, he was too young to remember. Inko was scared that he'd find Izuku and became too protective of him. If he wasn't at school, he was at home and he was almost never allowed to leave."

"That sounds really sad," Tsu said.

"Anyways, she always warned him if he ever left not to go into the woods. She never explained to him why — it was where she met his dad."

"The little listener's gonna do it. She never gave him a reason not to, just said don't." Mic cringed.

"It makes it worse that All for One is in his head. Always whispering to him to give up and come into the woods. It's tempting as he's lived such a hard life but he ignored him until he didn't — that's where this universe starts."

All Might paled at the thought of All for One constantly whispering in his successors head. He hated the idea of young Midoriya actually bending to his will even if he didn't know who he was.

"Let's begin." K said and the lights dimmed.

"Lily was a little girl, afraid of the big, wide world, she grew up within her castle walls." Midoriya was shown trembling in front of his middle school before Inko came and took him home.

"He always seems afraid of that school, was it really that bad?" Sero asked incredulously.

"You have no idea." Bakugou murmured.

"He's quirkless, everyone hates him and he gets bullied there." K explained.

"Oh," The class felt sorry for their friend.

 "At least he isn't quirkless in our world, that couldn't have happened." Uraraka smiled cheerfully.

All Might was sweating bullets and Bakugou looked away.

"Now and then she tried to run, and then on the night with the setting sun, she went in the woods away so afraid, all alone." Izuku was shown stealing a key from his Mom's room and using it to unlock his window which he escaped through. He walked until he reached the woods, losing himself in the trees as the sun went down.

"NO MIDORIYA!" The class shouted.

"It's been twenty-five seconds and he's already broken the golden rule — what was I even expecting from my problem child." Aizawa rubbed his temples, feeling a headache coming on.

"They warned her, don't go there, there's creatures who are hiding in the dark." A flashback of Inko's warnings was showed before the screen returned to Izuku who carried on walking through the woods. A bunch of menacing red eyes popped out behind him in the darkness.

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