All according to Keikaku

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Everyone was talking amongst themselves and for the most part, they seemed pretty content after the last universe.

"A little too content," K mumbled to herself.

She looked through a couple of the worlds at her disposal before coming across one which caught her attention.

"Oh it's this, this'll scare them!" She laughed to herself quietly as she set it up.

"So what are we watching this time?" Present Mic asked a little too loudly as she sat down by the teachers.

"Just wait and see," K replied as the screen came to life.

"Ah if it isn't Lemillion, the symbol of peace. What a pleasant surprise!" 

The familiar voice sent shivers down everybody's spines.

'Lemillion? Did I not pick Young Midoriya as my successor?' All Might wondered.

"Deku-kun sounds like a- a," Uraraka couldn't bring herself to say it.

Izuku walked out of the shadows, arms outstretched. His eyes were shut and he smiled as if he was having nothing more than a nice conversation with an old friend rather than his arch-nemesis.

"A villain," Iida finished her sentence solemnly.

"Your reign of evil ends here Deku!" Mirio shouted indignantly. The camera zoomed in on his face, focusing on the determined look in his eyes.

"How did my problem child go from a hero fanatic to a villain with an evil reign?" Aizawa asked. The other teachers slowly shuffled away from him. Though his question and face were calm, the aura radiating off of him told a different story.

"Umm... well um, his mom got killed and he was told he couldn't be a hero so he became a villain instead?" K prayed that they wouldn't figure out what was actually going on from her poorly put together explanation.

Aizawa nodded, accepting the answer and she sighed with relief.

"Oh?" Izuku's smile widened into something predatory and he opened his eyes. They glinted an intimidating crimson from within the shadows his hair left on his face.

"Look Bakubro, your eyes matc-" Kirishima stopped his terrible attempt at cheering his friend up when he saw the dead look on the other boy's face.

"Fuc-fudge," Kiri reminded himself that swearing wasn't manly (unless it was Bakugou doing it.)

"Kami, help," he hissed.

The other boy had already noticed what was going on and he nodded, not hesitating to offer assistance. The pair quietly tried to snap the blond out of it while the rest of the room carried on watching the universe obliviously.

"Before you capture me and send me to prison, I would like you to meet someone." Izuku started closing in on Mirio who took a cautious step back. 

"She was so excited to meet you again, don't be shy!" He sang.

Footsteps rang around the room as a third person approached the pair.

"You are-" Mirio's eyes widened in horror and disbelief.

"Who is it?!" The class all held their breath in anticipation.

Another familiar person stepped out from the shadows, a young girl. Her ghostly white hair framed her pale face and a long horn rested on her forehead. She looked up at Mirio with empty red eyes. 

"Meet my prodigy, Eri-chan," Deku sounded like he was trying his best not to giggle over the big reveal.

"We...failed her," Aizawa's expression was unreadable.

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