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"Alright guys, this one's long so I'll probably skip bits." K informed the class.

"Also, I'm just going to give you a heads up now, it gets pretty violent pretty quickly." She laughed.

"Once again I'm scared already." Tsu mumbled.

"Anyways, let's begin!"

The screen brightened revealing a classroom and Tsu's dad who was tied to a chair. He was trying to get out but was unable to. Suddenly, Nezu popped out of nowhere however, he was smiling wickedly.

"God, he looks like he did during Kaminari and Ashido's final exam... but even more evil somehow." Sero shuddered.

Ashido and Kaminari both shivered at the memory.

Nezu pushed a button and Mr Asui was suddenly strapped to a rocket.  A placard filled the screen, two words gaining everyone's attention:

Blast off

"What does that mean?" Ashido asked.

"I'm not sure, but going off of how evil Nezu just looked, I don't think it can be anything good." Shoji replied.

The rocket took off, drilling through the ceiling. Soon, it had passed the clouds and was among the stars. Before long, the rocket stopped and fell back to earth before crashing into the classroom just in front of Nezu.

"Dad!" Tsu shrieked, horrified.

The door of the rocket opened up only to spill out the bones of Mr Asui before Nezu who just laughed maniacally at the death.

Tsu was crying and a couple of her classmates were trying to comfort her.

"I'm not sure if this makes it any better but, he would've died quickly, he wouldn't have been in pain." Yaoyorozu comforted her friend.

 "Thanks  Yaoyurozu-san, at least he didn't suffer," she sniffled and slowly managed to quell her sobs.

"Sorry Tsu. And I think this is going to be our first skip guys." K spoke softly.

~ Time skip to the class meeting Nezu for the first time.

The entirety of class 1a stood in the school gym except Sato and Koda.

"Where are Sato And Koda?" Jirou asked.

"Well Koda and his family moved abroad and Sato's the ultimate baker so he left school early to start a huge multimillionaire business." K responded.

"I knew those pastries and cakes would get him famous somehow!" Hagakure shouted.

"Yeah they're amazing!" Ashido cheered.

Sato just blushed.

"What do you mean by the ultimate baker K?" Iida inquired.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to explain! In this universe, you've all got one thing you're extremely talented at, making you the 'ultimates.' Instead of U.A, you're all in your first year at a school named Hope's peak academy."

"Thank you for the clarification!" Iida stood and gave a perfect bow.

The students began getting to know each other except Tsu who kept her distance and seemed to be lost in thought. Suddenly, Nezu made an appearance scaring all of the students spare Tsu who somehow remained level headed.

"Tsu-chan seems so cold!" Uraraka exclaimed.

"I mean she probably knows her father died because of Nezu and that's why she's being distant?" Kaminari guessed.

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