Fantasy Au

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"Alright guys, I think I've found another universe." K sang cheerfully.

"Oh, I do hope it's more positive than the last one Miss K!" Iida boomed.

"Hey Iida, drop the miss, it's way too formal," K cringed. "Also, to answer your question, I do believe it's happier."

The class cheered, they'd all recovered from the last world and were excited for the next one.

"Shut up all of you, I'm trying to sleep!" Aizawa growled from his sleeping bag, his eyes flashing red.

"Sorry Aizawa-sensei," the class mumbled in unison.

"Anyway, before I start the universe I'm going to give you some background information." K started. "In this universe, there are princes, princesses and all kinds of magical creatures-"

"I love it already!" Ashido squealed.

"All Might should be king but he wanted to keep fighting for good as a knight so Endeavor is the king of this kingdom," K continued.

Todoroki scowled.

"Todoroki-kun must be a prince then!" Yaoyorozu smiled.

"Bro that's pretty sweet!" Sero congratulated the dual-coloured teen.

"I don't want to be a prince if I only hold the title because of him." Todoroki glared straight ahead without making eye contact with anyone.

"I mean, just hearing about what Endeavor did, that's not too surprising."

"Moving on, Midoriya, Todoroki, Iida, Uraraka and the rest of you are about to raid the League of Villains' main base and overthrow Shigaraki and his forces once and for all."

"It's about time, even if we're not doing it here, at least we know we're doing it somewhere out there." Ojiro commented.

Everyone else nodded their heads in agreement.

"Anyways, if everyone's ready, I'm going to start it."

The lights in the room all faded to black.

The screen was dark as a familiar sounding voice began to speak.

"If you don't want to come with me, this is your final chance to go back. I won't hold anything against you for this last part of our plan is the most treacherous one."

"Gosh, that sounds ominous." Tsu stated the obvious.

The screen brightened to reveal a scene.

Uraraka, Iida, Todoroki and Midoriya stood on the edge of a cliff, looking down on an extremely sinister-looking castle which stood in the valley below them. From their vantage point, they could see the vast lava moat which surrounded it and the hoards of dark knights that were marching in and out.

"Hey, it's us!" Iida and Uraraka shouted in unison.

"I look like a witch or a mage and Iida, I think you're a knight!" Uraraka giggled.

"This is cool and all but the idea of anyone standing on the edge of anything makes me uncomfortable after the last world." Sato rubbed the back of his neck, glancing at the cliff nervously.

"Nothing like that happens here, I promise." K reassured the worried boy.

"If I may speak for everyone, we have no intention of leaving your side Prince Todoroki." Iida, who was suited up in his Ingenium costume, spoke up, raising his sword into the air.

"I must agree with sir Iida, I haven't come this far just to turn back now! I'm as ready as I'll ever be!" Uraraka pumped her fist and raised her magic staff to meet Iida's sword.

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