Watashi no R

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"So guys," K began. "The real question is are we watching something happy or sad first then?"

Before anyone could get even a word in, Tokoyami was standing on his chair, hands raised shouting, "we shall all revel in the darkness!"

"Of course we shall dark lord, I'll go and prepare the imperial disk of shadows." K responded solemnly, a completely serious look on her face.

Tokoyami nodded and sat back down satisfied while everyone else in the theatre just sweat dropped.

"I wanted to watch something happy Tokoyami-kun!" Uraraka sighed slightly disappointed.

"No need to worry Uraraka, I'm sure we'll have the opportunity to see happy versions of Midoriya-kun as well!" Iida exclaimed, determined to stay as positive as possible.

"Shut up you damn extras, It's starting." Bakugou growled.

Warning, mentions of suicide, self harm and abuse.

K turned to face the students. "Just a heads up, I've got the tissues if anyone needs them."

Many in the room nodded gratefully as K took her seat and the video truly began.

Footsteps echoed around the room.

The U.A stairwell could be seen and a door quickly opens and then shuts, leaving silence spare the birds singing in the distance. Suddenly, Izuku's voice rings clearly through the theatre.

"Just as I was about to take my shoes," Izuku's signature red trainers could be seen sitting in the corner of the roof, his bag not too far from them.

"Off on the rooftop there I see. A girl with rose-red cheeks here before me. Despite myself I go and scream: Hey, don't do it please!"

The girl turned to face Izuku revealing herself to be none other than Uraraka. She was leaning dangerously on the railings.

"Uraraka, what are you doing, don't do it!" Everyone in the class yelled. Even Aizawa kept looking at his student, worry evident in his eyes.

"Wait a minute what did I just say? I couldn't care less either way."

Uraraka started sobbing softly at the harsh words. "T-that isn't D-deku."

The girls all quickly moved in for a group hug and K brought over the tissues.

"You're right Uraraka-san, that isn't your Deku also, he isn't usually like this he's just... in a bad state of mind." K reassured the distraught girl.

"To be honest I was somewhat pissed, this was an opportunity missed."

Uraraka cried harder while Bakugou hearing the words Izuku had just said paled considerably.

"The damn nerd..." he trailed off, he felt a strange feeling settling on his shoulders. It was new to him.

"What is this?" Bakugou asked quietly.

"It's called guilt Bakugou, when you go back to your world I expect you to try to make things right with your Midoriya." K responded.

"The girl with rosy cheeks told me her woes." Midoriya and Uraraka stood together dangerously close to the edge talking.

"You've probably heard it all before, I really thought that he might be the one."

The screen panned out to Iida, smiling brightly with Uraraka laughing next to him, they were holding hands under a cherry blossom tree.

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