All according to Keikaku

Start from the beginning

"Shou we weren't going to be able to save her in every universe," Mic comforted him gently.

"It seems like Izu-chan rescued her, even if he is a villain here. She's still in safe hands," Midnight tried to console him.

Izuku watched with childish glee as a flurry of different emotions crossed Mirio's face. It settled on a look of desperation as he turned to the young girl, begging her with his eyes to come to him. He was met with her apathetic gaze as she took her place by Midoriya's side.

"Surprised? Upset? Don't be! Now I, I mean 'we' have much to thank you for," Deku taunted. The audience couldn't see his face but they could hear the condescending smirk in his voice. 

"And now, it's a hostage situation but at the same time it's not a hostage situation," Jirou said, fiddling with her earphone jacks nervously as she watched.

"He's stuck between a rock and a hard place. If he somehow incapacitated Midoriya-kun and got to Eri-chan, likelihood is she would still kill him. Her loyalty seems unwavering," Yaoyorozu analysed the scene, taking a worried glance at the size of Eri's horn.

"What a mad banquet of darkness," Tokoyami murmured.

"You put this upon yourself 'hero.' All according to Keikaku," Izuku's playful voice didn't match the sadistic smile that was on his face. He'd pressed his thumbs into his cheeks in mockery of the hero's missing smile.

All Might paled.

'That's exactly what All for One did to taunt me. He's acting so similarly to him.' His chest constricted painfully. It physically hurt to watch Midoriya walking that road — it meant he had failed him and failed him badly.

" 'S my fault he's like that," Bakugou murmured softly, surprising both Kirishima and Kaminari who weren't expecting him to come to so soon or so suddenly.

"Hey, I don't know what happened between the two of you before but I doubt it's your fault Bakugou," Kaminari patted him on the back and Kirishima nodded.

"You don't fucking get it," he snapped. His expression was pained and he looked more tired than either of them had ever seen him before.


"I'm sorry," the blond sighed quietly, turning away to signal that the conversation was over.

Kirishima and Kaminari looked at each other, their concern skyrocketing. The day that Katsuki Bakugou actually apologised for anything would supposedly be the day pigs flew and yet here they were.


"Uraraka would never go to fight someone alone. Lemillion must've secretly brought us for backup!" Ashido cheered, relieved there was still hope.

"You're right, I wouldn't — we can save him!" Uraraka yelled.

"What if we're working with Midoriya though, we're all pretty close with him after all," Todoroki said, dampening everyone's newly gained spirits.

"Are you implying we'd join the side of villainy? We'd neve-" Iida began.

"And yet Midoriya, the most heroic of us all, is standing there as a villain. I wouldn't be all that surprised if we did Iida-kun," Yaoyorozu cut him off.

Izuku's head spun towards Uraraka. His expression wasn't angry or even surprised, just very confused.

"So Uraraka's a villain after all?!" Sero screeched.

"He would've done something if she was a hero and he knew she was there so I guess Todoroki and Yaoyorozu were right," Ojiro shrugged.

"Maybe she wants to back out though, she sounded reluctant...afraid," Tsu hummed.

"Scary," Kirishima, Iida, Uraraka and Todoroki all murmured, the filming equipment in their hands trembling along with them.

"You're joking," Aizawa deadpanned.

"Damn it!" Hagakure yelled.

Kaminari let out an unintelligible string of syllables over being tricked.

"You've been duped, bamboozled, conned!" K laughed hysterically as they all turned to her with murderous expressions.

She wiped a stray tear from her eye as she met their gazes. "What? You can't even blame me, you guys were getting too comfortable," she sniggered  as the rest of them grumbled irritably.

"G-guys?!" Izuku asked nervously, confused as to why his friends all seemed so terrified.

"Your acting skills are amazing Midoriya-kun!" Mirio chuckled at his obliviousness, giving him a thumbs up of approval. 

The screen cut to black.

"That was..." Midnight wasn't sure what to say.

"Terrifying, funny, painful?" K listed off words humorously.

"All of the above," she said. Present Mic chuckled and All Might smiled weakly, just thankful his protégé wasn't actually a villain.

Across the room, Kaminari and Kirishima looked at Bakugou who sat curled in on himself with his head on his knees, his hair obscuring his expression. He didn't seem to have been affected by the plot twist, the damage had already been done. 

"We need to actually talk to her about this," Kaminari whispered to Kirishima.

"Yeah, we do but it's unmanly to interrupt other people's conversations bro," Kiri replied, nodding to where K was laughing with the teachers.

"So what about her conversation?! I'm pretty sure our friend breaking down multiple times kinda takes priority," Kaminari muttered.

"I know but I still think we should wait," Kirishima sighed.

"It's our responsibility Kiri."

"I know but he hasn't complained or said anything-"

"He's Bakugou, of course he hasn't — that doesn't mean he doesn't need our help!"

"We don't even really know what the problem is-"

"Kiri, stop. Why are you even arguing with me? You probably want to help even more than I do."

Kirishima sighed again.

"I just want him to feel confident enough to open up and talk about his problems on his own," he said quietly.

"I get that, but I think we both know he won't. He probably thinks doing that would make him weak," Kaminari laid out the truth of the matter softly.

"I know that but I can hope, right?" Kirishima's expression was pained and his voice was small.

Kaminari looked at his friend, seeing his desperation and sighing as he caved. "Fine, he's got two worlds to actually say something. If he doesn't, I'm going to talk to him and I'm going to flat out tell K to stop avoiding the problem because this is too much," he grumbled.

Kirishima smiled at him gratefully.

K cleared her throat and the chatter died down.

"Alright, so the next world is pretty closely linked to this one actually, I'm not going to put you through the wringer," she laughed.

A majority of the class looked at her dubiously but she chose to ignore them in favour of setting up the world.

"To the next one!"

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