Chapter 34

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As soon as you woke up in the morning, you could hear Darcy and Arabella's snores. You looked to Ginny, assuming she'd be awake with that racket happening, yet she was fast asleep. You checked the time before getting up and taking a shower. By the time you were out, Ginny was finally up and giving the Tremaines a venomous stare. 

"I'm gonna wake them up." She announced as you checked to see if your outfit looked good, most importantly that your chunky leather choker matched. 

"Their snoring may be annoying, but their talking's worse." You pointed out.

"We'll just make sure they shut up." Ginny stood up, grabbed a pillow and began whacking them with it.

"Hey!" Arabella and Darcy woke up in a hurl of screams.

"Be quiet!" You shushed them. "Someone's gonna hear you!"

"You're a bitch!" Darcy accused Ginny.

"You're annoying." Ginny retaliated, throwing the pillow on Darcy's face before marching off to the bathroom to get ready.

"Do you guys not understand that some people need beauty sleep?" Arabella asked you.

"I thought that was only for pretty people." You laughed whilst fixing up your hair. 

"Exactly." Darcy stated before flopping back to sleep.

"When do you guys plan on going back home?" You questioned.

"When my little brothers done," Arabella said in a mocking tone, clearly unhappy regarding why she's here. "Fucking cunt." She mumbled as she got out of bed and rubbed her eyes.

"Is there much we've missed back home since we left?" You wondered.

"That Yzla girl's been getting praised left and right for murdering the janitor, but I think it's died down now," Arabella yawned, "not much happens now that you guys are gone. Everyone seems so different and outgoing, it's disgusting."

"Sounds about right." You placed your crown on your head.

"There have been one or two people at school trying to 'replace' you guys, but it was pretty pathetic."

"I can imagine." You commented before hearing a knock at the door. You rushed to look through the peephole, but stopped when you heard Dizzy on the other side of the door.

"It's just me." She called out. You opened the door, allowing her to rush in. "I've brought some breakfast for you guys." She told Arabella, handing her a bagel and placing one on the bedside table for Darcy.

"Fucking finally." Arabella began to scoff the food down.

"You're welcome." Dizzy raised an eyebrow at her.

"Excuse me?" Arabella looked up at Dizzy, angry at her cousin's sass.

"Nothing." Dizzy looked at you. "Thanks for keeping them here."

"I'm this close to kicking them out." You chuckled. "But I think they'll get that done themselves."

"How?" Arabella spoke with her mouth full.

"They got themselves caught twice when I took them to see Anthony." You explained to Dizzy.

"By who?" She gasped.

"Francis, Harry and Gil."

"Do you think Francis is gonna tell anyone?" Dizzy looked worried.

"I told him not to, but he seems like to type to really stick to the rules..."

"He won't." Ginny claimed, peering around the bathroom door. "If he won't get in trouble for it, he won't tell. I'll talk to him about it."

"I don't think we can keep this up for long though," you said, "we're gonna have to find somewhere else for them to go."

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