Chapter 3

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The dark night sky loomed above you as you finally caught up with Anthony and Ginny. 

"Guess who we just saw!" Ginny grinned mischievously.

"Mal's entire bore-adon squad." Anthony told you. 

"Evie, Jay, Carlos and another guy, I think it might've been King Ben!" Ginny explained. "I threw some plate of food I found at the market at them."

"Fantastic." You rolled your eyes. "Where are they?"

"Don't know, we lost them." Anthony leaned against the lamp post.

"There they are." Ginny pointed behind you. 

You turned around and, sure enough, you see Evie, Carlos and Jay through the crowd of people. You noticed Evie look up, straight at you. "Y/N!" She beamed, rushing over to you.

"Oh fuck." You mumbled before Evie pulled you into a hug, something you immediately tried to recoil from. You heard Ginny and Anthony laugh quietly as you escaped the embrace. 

"We haven't seen you in ages!"

"That much is obvious." You put your hands on your hips. "What makes you think you can just come back here?"

"This is our home." Evie told you, which made you scoff.

"We also needed to bring Mal back to Auradon." Carlos added.

"This is not your home." You told them before turning to Ginny and Anthony. "I thought you said they had Ben with them?"

"He was taken by the pirates." Evie explained. "Mal's gone to Ursula's to get him back."

"Was I asking you?" You snapped back at her.

"What's wrong with you? You're acting different. Did I do something to you?" Evie folded her arms.

"You guys all pissed off to Auradon without me and you're wondering what you did?"

"It wasn't our decision!"

"But you assholes didn't even say goodbye!" You turned away from them to face Ginny and Anthony. "Let's go." You began to storm off. Ginny thumped Evie on the head before following behind you and Anthony. 


Crash! A rock flew through your window causing you to jolt up in your bed. It was early the following morning, just past dawn. You stared down at the the shattered glass sprawled across the floor.

"Shut up!" Your mother shouted from downstairs. You rolled of your mattress and approached the rock. It was jagged, large and heavy. You rushed to the window angrily, ready to throw it back at the perpetrator.

"Y/N!" You recognised Mal's voice as you poked your head out the window. You saw her, Evie, Carlos and Jay standing below your window.

"Go away!" You yelled at them. "Do you guys not know how to take a hint?"

"We need your help!" Mal claimed.

"I don't care!"

"Get your butt out here and talk to us!" Mal demanded. You gave in rather fast, having just woken you weren't really all that bothered enough to argue. Tiredly, you shoved a jacket on and clambered out the window, down the 'fire escape'.

"What do you want?" You questioned them moodily.

"Ben's been taken by Uma." Mal told you.

"And? I already knew that," you crossed your arms, "what do I have to do with anything?"

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