Chapter 8

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Once school was over, you went with Ginny and Anthony on the usual gallivant around the Isle. After robbing Jafar's shop and pushing someone into the crocodiles, you were unsure of what to do next. As you walked through the bazaar, you caught a glimpse of Harry and decided to excuse yourself and rush over to see him. You could not stop thinking about what the two of you had shared the night before.

"Hey." You greeted him.

"Hiya princess, what can I do for you?" He smirked.

"So uh... About last night..."

"What about last night?"

"What would you say that the uh thing at the end meant?"

"What do you want it to mean?"

"What did it mean to you?"

"It meant whatever-" He paused and clearly noticed something. "Let's talk about this later shall we?" He pointed you towards the guy you had encountered at the tavern the night before making his way towards the two of you, an angry look painted upon his face.

"Good idea, are you going to the party tomorrow night?"

"Hadn't decided." Harry told you casually as the boy's pace began to speed up. "But if you're there princess I'll easily make an exception." He winked as the guy began to run at full force. Just before reaching him, Harry moved out the way causing the guy to sprint straight into the wall. "I'll maybe see you then." Harry tilted his head towards you before marching after the guy with his hook ready.

You heard a loud yelp as you re-approached Ginny and Anthony. "So where are we going?" You asked.

"Let's go to Ginny's." Anthony suggested. "I haven't seen Mother Gothel in ages."

"That's because I hate it when you guys talk together." Ginny explained as you all began to walk towards her place. "She likes you so much then she always tries to get me to date you once you leave. Hell, she wishes she was young enough to do it herself."

"That's not that crazy as far as parents go." You told her.

"Yeah but she's always so creepy about it." Ginny groaned. "She does it every time I bring a boy round."

"Sounds like a you problem." Anthony told her, which you agreed with.

Ginny's home was a tall, worn out brick structure somewhat resembling a tower in it's slim build, with a balcony that easily allowed a view of a large portion of the Isle. 

"I'm home mother!" Ginny called out upon entering. Her mother was stood at the window, weaving some sort of golden string. She tried to wave her mother's attention over, but Mother Gothel completely ignored her daughter. "Y/N and Anthony are also here."

"Hey." You and Anthony spoke at the same time.

"Oh darlings I haven't seen the two of you in forever!" Her mother spun around and pulled you and Anthony into a hug. "What are we planning on doing today then?"

"Well we." Ginny gestured towards herself, you and Anthony. "Are going to my room."

"Well why don't I join the three of yous?"


"Go for it." You laughed. Due to her desperation to feel young, she always liked to hang out with Ginny's house guests. It would always amuse you, the way she would try and take over her daughter's social life.

Ginny sent a death stare your way before the four of you began to climb up the ladder to her bedroom.


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