Chapter 10

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The remainder of your weekend was relatively uneventful. You hung out with Harry on Saturday, generating more trouble throughout the Isle. You spent time with Ginny and some others on Saturday night and the following Sunday. The whole weekend, you never ran into or heard from Anthony. It was weird, but you didn't really take much notice of it. 
It was Monday and the bell had rang, signalling the end of your class: Selfishness 101, taught by Ginny's mother. You were sat next to Anthony in this classroom, but he hadn't talked all lesson. His face seemed as if it had fully healed from his beating on Friday night, with the exception of a small cut on his lip.

"Missed you this weekend." You pointed out to him as you both walked down the hallway together. "Where've you been?" You shoved someone in your way as you continued to walk.

"I was just hanging out." He gave a shrug. You were both clearly attempting to ignore the elephant in the room, but being the impatient person you were, you decided to ask him about it.

"How you feeling about y'know... what happened?"

"Nothing." He shook his head. "I couldn't care less."

Usually, you would believe him when he told you this. He's not one to care about stuff. Besides, talking about feelings was frowned upon, especially by him. But something was wrong. You couldn't help but try and be helpful.

"It's only those guys who think that." You assured him.

"I know." He said blankly. 

"Hey guys." Yzla joined you and Anthony. "Friday night was so fun wasn't it?"

"Yeah, it was super cool." You smiled.

"I really enjoyed dancing with you." She told Anthony. "Wish it could've been for longer though."

"That's great." Anthony said. His emotionless tone of voice clearly confused Yzla. She wasn't sure if he was being serious or simply making fun of her.

"He does mean that, I think." You told her.

"Oh well awesome! I'll see you guys later!" She grinned and walked off.

"See, she doesn't think you're gay." You said, attempting to encourage and cheer him up.

"Y/N, shut up, I know." Anthony rolled his eyes. "Do you?"


"Do you think I am?"

"No." In all truth, you weren't sure. You had never really thought about it - probably because you didn't care. After all, why should you care?

Anthony looked you up and down with a squint. "Okay."

"What happened to you?" Ginny joined you and Anthony, poking Anthony's cut lip.

"Just a scrape." He waved her hand away.

"Well you look like shit." She giggled. "I'm joking, scars are hot."

"As if you'd know anything about being hot." Anthony said, causing Ginny to kick his leg playfully. You noticed him flinch a little, the leg kicked being the sore one. As the three of you walked down the hall, you noticed some disgustingly familiar faces gathered in a four way huddle. One of them had bruises and cuts littered all over his face. It was the four boys from Friday night. You were somewhat glad that it was at least this group that had done it and not one that people actually cared about. Not many people at school talked to or even acknowledged these boys, hell, they weren't even invited to the party on Friday. They all stared your group down as you walked past them. The bruised one winked at Anthony and laughed. Anthony rolled his eyes. Ginny didn't notice anything as she began to chat about some new pair of shoes she stole. 

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