Chapter 27

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Side note before you start reading:
I don't think notifications went out when I published the chapter before this so if you haven't read it, please do before reading this chapter.

"I feel a lot less stressed now." You announced, letting out a light chuckle as you hopped off the rigging at the bottom of the crow's nest onto the deck with Harry close behind you. "Thanks for knowing exactly what I needed to chill out."

"My pleasure," he stood next to you, "anything to help you relax."

"Hey guys!" Gil waved as he approached you and Harry with Uma inching forward behind him, but keeping her distance, simply watching as the three of you conversed. "What were you doing?"

"Just hanging out." You told him casually, fixing your crown back into place.

"In the..." Gil made a puzzled look, pointing at the crow's nest before seemingly realising. "Ohh, were you doing the same thing as with that girl?" He looked at Harry.

"And that girl is?" You also looked up at Harry with a smirk, who was death staring Gil. You assumed Gil was talking about a relation Harry had in the past. You didn't mind hearing about it; it was no secret how he behaved with women before you.

"He has no-" Harry attempted to talk, but Gil interrupted him.

"It was that girl! What's her name... Jade!" He hopped happily after remembering the answer.

"Jay's cousin?" You scoffed in amusement.

"It was ages ago." Harry assured you.

"No way it wasn't." Gil denied. "It was like..." He counted on his hands and mumbled days of the week under his breath before coming to a conclusion. "Four days ago!"

"Oh really?" You stepped away from Harry and crossed your arms, immediately dropping the humour in the situation after hearing he had been with other girls whilst you were gone.

"You bloody idiot." Harry held Gil up by the shirt in anger.

"So it's true?" You raised an eyebrow, becoming annoyed. He didn't even try to deny it.

"Yup," Uma piped up with a smug grin on her face, "who knows how many times they did it."

"Is there any other girl you've been with recently that I should know about?" Your voice began to rise as anger dawned over you.

"He took Uma on a date." Gil claimed, still showing no awareness of the social situation.

"Shut up!" Harry angrily whispered to Gil and shoved him slightly, but not hard enough to do harm him of course. It would take a lot to see him genuinely harm one of his best friends.

"Real smooth of you." You told him in a sarcastic tone with venom seeping through before storming off inside. He took hold of your arm in attempt to make you stay, but you shoved him away and marched to your room. You violently slammed the door shut behind you and flopped face first onto your bed as pools of tears formed in your eyes. You began to sob. You spun around and laid on your back, clutching the necklace Harry gave you. He told you that he only wanted to be with you, that he had never felt so strongly for any other girl. It was all a lie. It had to be a lie. How could he do this to you? "Cunt." You cried as you tore the necklace off and threw it across the room. You knew the two of you technically weren't dating, but at this point you basically were. You were told that you were the only one for him. You thought you loved him. You thought he loved you. You couldn't be that stupid, right? You let out a loud sob and curled up into a ball on your bed.

"Y/N?" You heard Mal's voice from the other side of your bedroom door, accompanied by a knock. When you didn't reply, she talked again. "I'm coming in, okay?" She paused for you to answer before creaking the door open. Without a word, she shut the door behind herself and sat on your bed, placing a comforting hand on your back. After sitting in this position for what felt like forever, but was more likely mere minutes, you sobs were eased into small cries. You sat up and wiped away tears. "What did he do?" Mal asked.

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