Chapter 29

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As you clambered off the ship, you noticed an intimidating group of crocodiles gathered at the edge of the water. You attempted to avoid them, they were deadly animals of course, yet you still somehow managed to get a crocodile trying to snap at your legs. Before you even noticed that your leg was about to be chomped clean off, Anthony grabbed a hold of your wrist and dragged you out of the way whilst Harry kicked the crocodile in the face.

"You alright?" Harry looked to you while he kicked another crocodile away, sending the rest of them swimming off. You simply gave him a nod, still not comprehending what just happened.

"Huh, that's weird." Anxelin looked at Harry. "I would've thought you'd be afraid of crocodiles considering...y'know..." He simply stared back at her, waiting for her to give up on what she was trying to say. "Nevermind."

As the group began to walk, you looked at the trees around you. They were daunting to say the least. They had tall with winding branches and chunky trunks. They had dark faces, raven black smiles and soulless eyes that felt like they were staring right through you. It felt like they knew everything about you; your weaknesses, your emotions, your deepest, darkest secrets. At the same time, it felt as if they were complete strangers who could snap at you at any given moment.

"This is a lot less scary than it seems." You proclaimed, although you were lying through your teeth. It was as scary as it appeared. Out of nowhere, an especially large tree heaved an weighty arm down upon the path in front of you, separating the group. You were stuck at the further end with Ginny, Anthony, Harry, Anxelin, Randy, Chad and Evie. 

"You're kidding me!" Ginny complained, dusting herself off.

"Quiet!" Evie shushed her. "They're listening." She looked around at the trees, who were slowly closing in. 

"I think we may be a bit outmatched here." You claimed, stating the obvious. Of course the magical sentient trees were going to be tough to beat.

"Well I wouldn't say-" Anxelin began, but was attacked by a tree branch. She retaliated, chopping the branch off. "You were saying?" She looked at you with a proud grin, but was dragged up high into the air by another branch from the same tree.

"Don't worry! We'll get you down from there!" Evie called out nervously while fighting off tree branches. Soon, the entire group was fighting the trees. You noticed Ginny sneak off around the tree fighting Anxelin. She took it upon herself to climb upon the branches. Before the tree even knew what was happening, Ginny had stabbed two knives directly in it's eyes. There was a loud, deep cry of pain let out by the tree as it dropped Anxelin. After moving around in pain, it's movement began to stiffen and leaves began to grow back onto the branches. Ginny removed the knives and leapt from the no longer sentient tree to another sentient one, landing with the knives in it's eyes. You looked over at Anxelin, whom had been caught by Chad. 

"You're a genius Ginny!" You yelled out to her and you sprinted towards a tree and jammed the blade of your sceptre into one of it's eyes.

"No shit!" Ginny shouted as she hopped to the ground. 

The tree you were clinging from grabbed you by the waist and attempted to pull you away from it's eye, but stopped as soon as Harry launched his hook into it's other eye. Just like the other two trees, this one stopped moving as well. This method proved extremely effective, with every attacking tree soon going back to normal. 

"I got some dirt on my jacket!" Anthony gasped.

"We're gonna need a new route." Evie decided, taking lead of the group.

"Can you not just climb over?" Chad wondered.

"No way." Ginny shook her head.

"There's barely anything to latch your feet onto." Harry added. "Where's this cave meant to be?"

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