Chapter 4

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"I want to stay?" You shifted uncomfortably in the vehicle.

"We don't have time for that Y/N, we gotta get out of here." Evie told you before turning to Carlos, who was shivering and soaking from his fall into the water. "Who pushed you?"

"I don't know." He admitted, causing you to feel rather confused. You were sure he had seen it was you. "It was just a blur."

Your mind drifted away from the conversation at hand as you looked out the window. Seeing the Isle of the Lost from far away felt surreal, your entire life had always revolved around that place. You had never left, seeing it from a third perspective was really uncomfortable. You shook your head and looked in the direction you were driving, noticing that you had already entered Auradon. "Can I go back home now?" You asked, already overwhelmed by how different the place was.

"Do you not want to stay for a while? I'm sure you'd like it." Evie told you. "Plus, I'm not sure it's the safest place for you back there."

"I knew I shouldn't have helped you guys out." You let out a huff, crossing your arms.

"Then why did you?"

"Why did I what?"

"Help us out."

You hesitated for a moment, trying to figure out an answer. Sure, the money was great, but you've never used money. There was just something deep down that wanted an excuse to do something for your old friends. "Money, obviously." You scoffed.

"Sure it was." Jay said sarcastically.

"It was! As if I would want to help you guys after how you treated me."

Soon, you arrived in Auradon. Since your 'transfer' there was rather spontaneous, nobody was really sure what to do with you. You were given a sleeping bag to sleep in Mal and Evie's room, which was truthfully more comfortable than your bed back at home. It was nightfall. Mal and Evie had both went to their beds and presumably gone to sleep. Frustrated, you sat up in your sleeping bag and stood up. You were never a huge fan of change, and this was all far too much. Nothing in Auradon interested you. You felt so out of place there, and you had only been there for a few hours. The Isle of the Lost is your home. You were desperate to get home. You grabbed your jacket, crown and sceptre before quietly sneaking out of the bedroom. You had no idea where you were planning on going, but you needed to leave. Wandering around aimlessly, you found yourself at the edge of a cliff, as close to the Isle as you could get without possibly dying. The wind blew your hair away from your face. You lifted your hand to your crown, making sure it stayed atop your head.

"You can't get there all by yourself." You heard Mal's voice behind you. You turned around, slightly spooked at the sudden sound of her voice. "You've never been very quiet, I heard you get up."

"I just want to go back, this isn't my home," You sighed angrily, "not that you'd understand that."

"I understand it. Why do you think I came back in the first place? I thought I didn't belong here, but I do and so can you."

"Please!" You rolled your eyes. "You're dating the king, of course you're gonna belong here."

"Well what about Evie? Jay? Carlos? They all belong here too and they know it."

"Stockholm syndrome, and I don't even care about what you and your little crew do, but I'm not staying here."

"You were part of that 'crew' too."

"Yeah, I was. not anymore. Not after you chose this place over me."

"We had no choice!"

"But you didn't even say goodbye!"

"Nobody would've thought you cared!"

"I don't!"

"Then why are you yelling at me?"

"I'm not!" You sat down in frustration, grabbing a tree branch and throwing it off the cliff. "I just want to go home! I don't want to be here."

"You can't." Mal sat down next to you.

"Why not?"

"Because re-opening the barrier is not the smartest thing for us to do right now." She cautiously placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. You pushed her away. "It's okay. Just let me try and comfort you."

"I don't need comforted." You brought your legs up to your chest and fiddled with your outfit.

"That place is always gonna be a part of you, but that doesn't mean you can't move on." You glared at her, being stubbornly focused on getting back to the Isle. "We'll try our best to get you back home, all I'm saying is just to at least try and like it here."


The next day was the day of the cotillion. You had never heard of one before, but had nothing better to do. Evie had excitedly made a last minute dress for you, but you weren't really bothered. Although, you were extremely fond of the outfit. It was a lovely shade of red and perfectly matched your crown. "Guess this doesn't look too bad." You mumbled as you fixed your hair in the mirror. "This is gonna be really stupid isn't it?"

"You'll have fun," Evie fixed up the back of your hair, "it might surprise you."

"Of course it will." You rolled your eyes sarcastically. Soon, you had arrived at cotillion. Just as expected, you weren't the biggest fan of the event. Simply, you found it dull. You were leaned against the railing of the boat, looking down at the crystal waters glistening in the moonlight. Suddenly, you were taken out of your daze when Ben walked down the grand stairs of the boat. After he and Mal bowed to one another, you saw something that slightly chilled you to the bone. Uma. You never fully listened to what they said to one another after this, but from what you could gather, Ben had fallen in love with Uma. Furthermore, she claimed to have become good now. You saw right through this. Along with everyone else, you stood with your mouth agape. Unlike everyone else, you like out an awkward laugh when you realised what's going on. That spell book really must have been handy to them.

You watched the entire situation unfold whilst trying to hide the grin on your face at the chaos you helped cause. Everything was extremely entertaining for you, until Uma leapt into the water. You ran to the stairs as she transformed, soaking the boat and its contents in the process. You grabbed a hold of the railing leading up the stairs for stability. While Mal and Uma argued, you realised that this was the perfect chance to get out. You tried your best the climb the stairs, but the ship was too rocky. Luckily, a swift splash of water helped to push you to the top of the stairs. You face planted onto the damp floor before you pulled your high-heeled shoes off and rushed towards the exit. At the door, you found Mal's spell book, which was conveniently misplaced by Uma underneath her jacket. Quickly, you grabbed a hold of the book and shoved the door open. "Finally!" You breathed aloud as you sprinted towards the dorm rooms, eager to get your things and leave Auradon.

You pulled your leather jacket off the floor and put it on as you opened Mal's spell book. You flicked through the pages, searching for some spell that could get you back. You searched and searched, and were startled by the door swinging open. You must've lost track of time. "Even if you do find a spell, you won't be able to cast it." Mal told you, snatching the book out of your hands. "Thanks for getting it back to me."

"Then you cast it for me!" You pleaded. "I need to go back."

"You haven't even given this place a chance!"

"But there's stuff I need to do back on the Isle! I don't like up and leaving people like you do!"

"Will you let it go? We all wanted to stay with you, but we had no other option. It wasn't our choice!"

"You're not gonna get me to like Auradon by keeping me captive here!" You swiftly stood up. "I'm not ready for this shit and I know I don't belong to Auradon!"

Mal looked at you and sighed. "If I get you back, do you promise to come back here if I come to get you?"

You paused to think, not really wanting to agree, but the look in Mal's eyes told you that it was the only option she was planning on proposing. "Fine."

"Come on."

I know this kinda changes some things relating to the ending of Descendants 2 in terms of the spellbook and everything but yolo

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