Chapter 33

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After getting something to eat for dinner, you and Carlos ended up in the school library, trying to find some evidence of a pink tree in Auradon. Whilst Carlos browsed for a book that may help, you were fully intrigued by the whole place. Sure, they had a library at your old school, but you were never allowed in it. This one had shelves and shelves of books reaching up to the tall, tall ceiling. It was beautiful, really.

Whilst exploring, you noticed Bethany curled up in the very corner of the room, surrounded by piles of books. 

"Hey," you greeted her.

"Oh hi," she looked up from the book she was reading, "never pictured you as a library person."

"Neither did I." You admitted. "Are all libraries this...'grand'?"

"Not really," Bethany shook her head, "this one was actually a gift from my father to my mother. She's read just about every book in here."

"Damn, that's a lot of books." You commented. "How're you doing?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean...are you and Ben okay with each other?"

"I think we're fine now. We talked it out."

"And what about Anthony?"

"He's allowed to stay. Ben was just really panicked because...nevermind."

"Wait no tell me."

"I can't, I'm sorry. Let's just say it was due to something Jordan told him."

"About Anthony?"

"Oh no," she waved it off, "we're not sure who it was about. It might have even been false."

"Okay," you sat down next to her, "what do you think of Anthony by the way? Out of curiosity."

She paused for a moment before answering, as if she wasn't sure if she should tell you. "I know he's been a bit false with some of his behaviour with me," she said, "but, I think there's a lot more to him. People seem to just write him off as some terrible person, I don't believe that one bit. I think there's some genuine good in him, I've seen it. What do you think?"

"I'm gonna be honest, I agree with you," you told her, "as someone who has known him for years, I've seen that he can be kind. He's just so trapped within his family life."

"What is his life back on the Isle like?" Bethany questioned curiously.

"I don't know if it's my place to talk about it." You announced.

"I won't tell anyone." Bethany mimed zipping her lips shut and throwing away the key. "I can tell that there's something going on with him, I just want to help."

You've never believed that someone was being truthful more than you believed Bethany was. There was something about her, you knew she meant what she said. "Promise?" 

"Promise." She shook your hand.

"Well, I'm guessing you know how many brothers and sisters and cousins he already has?"

"Two brothers, four sisters and he said seven or eight cousins; too many for him to remember."

"And out of all of them, he's Lady Tremaine's favourite. She likes to put all the pressure on him and spoil him the most." You told her. "All his siblings and cousins are jealous of how spoiled he is, but I'd say they're all jealous whenever anything decent happens to someone in the family that isn't themselves."

"Despite the siblings and cousins, that sounds relatively alright."

"One time his little cousin, Dizzy, came to me in tears and all that. You see, she's treated terribly by everyone in the family, including Anthony," you felt iffy about telling her this, but you believed to be going somewhere with it, "she came to me crying when she had a fight with Evie. She went on this whole rant, to be honest I'm not sure why she was telling me so many obscure and random details, but one thing I do remember her saying is that his mother, grandmother and possibly aunt hit him a lot."

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