Oh Shit...

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(Dawns P.O.V)

I wake up feeling myself in someones arms when I remember what happened minutes ago...I open my eyes to see the world sideways and lift my head slightly to see I'm still in my hiding place I had a arm around my waist I look to the arm and follow up the arm until I met some closed eyes and face that belonged to Harry Potter...

"Oh shit..." I mumble and he started to wake up I got his arm off around me and stood up quickly and saw Cathy sleeping peacefully but I grabbed her and she screeched and I held her to my chest "Do NOT wake me up like that!" said Cathy.

"Sorry..." I mumble.

Harry woke up and lifted his head and rubbed his eyes and I tense up...I'm not even that close to him and I just slept with him...I look at my watch to see it's lunch time and look down to Harry i grab my wadn and write in midair:

We better get back, Harry. It's lunch time,

Harry looked up to the writing in the air and nodded he got up and we walk in silences back up the castle people stopping and gasping seeing Harry has found me but I don't make eye contact and we just walk into the Great Hall and it became really quiet seeing me...I just walk off to the Slytherin house table and sat down next to Cat and started eating silently.

(Harry's P.O.V)

Dawn walked off without saying goodbye or anything to her house table and I frown lightly and went over to Ron and Hermione as they stared shocked at Dawn.

"Where did you find her, mate!" Said Ron.

"In the Forbidden Forest with her cat in a little area, it's pretty cool to be honest." I said.

Hermione narrowed her eyes a little to Dawn I follow her gaze to see she's looking to her wrist and when Dawn scratched her nose Hermione's eyes widen "Oh my god, she does self-harm!" She whispered.

A/n: SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG! I've been busy. I'm sorry again for the lame chapter too....

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