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(Dawn's P.O.V)

We were walking to the express, Cathy (Who looks like in the photo to this chapter) was walking beside me, "I don't like the idea of walking to train with a bunch of weirdo's trying to blend in..." said Cathy nervously. "C'mon, Cathy, be a Gryffindor for once," I sign to her with a small giggle (Is there a sign in sign languid of Gryffindor?) and Cathy rolled her eyes. "You're insane, Sunshine," said Cathy.

"And you're fluffy!" I sign to her with another giggle making her shake her head playfully and then Uncle Sirius, in his dog form, trotted by us "Sirius, are ou barking mad!" hissed Mad-Eye Moody who has a magical eye that creeps the hell out of me, he was a little big, clothy clothes, and also a staff that is apparently his wand...

Uncle Sirius ran into a room and I hurried in with Harry, Cathy running to catch up, I held the door opened with enough room for her to squeeze through and me, Harry, and Cathy look at Uncle Sirius "Uncle Sirius, what are you doing here?" I sign as Harry said it I look at him, slightly creeped out, but shook my head and turn to Uncle Sirius.

"What's life without a tiny bit of risk?" said Uncle Sirius sitting down I pick Cathy up and me and Harry sat next to Uncle Sirius. "Risk is death for this dashing kitten," said Cathy making me giggle "And all of a sudden, you're really cocky" I sign and Cathy did a small shrug making Harry smile lightly to us.

"I've got you both something," said Uncle Sirius and he handed me a photo and I look to see the original Order.

"Is this the original Order?" said Cathy and I nodded Uncle Sirius pointed out my parents "That's Rosealine and Jacob, Dawn's parents, Rosealine, Jacob, James and lily together they were un-stopable(Sp?) in dueling." said Uncle Sirius I trace my finer over the photo of my parents they just smile and I felt a small smile creep up on my lips...I really miss having my real parents, not my bastard adopted parents, I want my adoptive parents to go rot in hell and I can never see them again...I close my eyes and I felt it leave my fingers and I put my hand on my lips I bow my head down, feeling my hair go over my face, and sigh deeply... I remembered a page of her diary when she was so close to having me, heavil pregnant, I started remembering the page...

  Dear Diary

Today is nine months and my little girl will be born soon...I'm excited but also worried Voldemort will hurt my little angel, me, Regulus, or Sirius...or even James, Lily, and their new-born son, Harry. I've met Harry he would always touch my stomach and my little angel would always kick at his hand, always making me smile, Jacob would've laughed at the two...I have a feeling Harry and my little angel will become friends, their even friends while she's freaking still in the womb! But also Lily is my little angel's godmother, along with James, I would've done Sirius, but he's the Uncle, hell always be in her life.

Regulus has found out how to destroy Voldemort but he wont tell me for two reasons 1. Because if he came here Death Eater's will come after me and 2. Because if he spreads the word around with me and I tell the Order Voldemort will kill him (Even if he'll betray him) and then come after me...kill me and my litle angel.

Peter has been distaint latel too, he's never around, not keep touch, I thought being a Marauder you'd be in touch through everything, we're best friends since First Year, and being a Marauder means always having friendship...but then again, life gets in the way, the new genration of Marauders coming to this world, I guess we'll see Peter soon...


Rosaline Michealson

I smile lightly remembering that and opened my eyes with a small smile knowing her little angel was me...but I knew who Peter was, and I hae him, he's the reason why Harry's parents are dead too...sadly they could never see me turn 1 because they died on Halloween while my birthday is on Christmas Day, very weird to me, maybe that's why Dawn and Lily are in my name? Dawn for day, as in also light, and Lily for my Auntie Lily to protect me, yes I call her Auntie shut up all of you!

"Dawn, it's almost time," said Uncle Sirius, getting me back to reality, I nodded and pick up Cathy "What were you thinking about?" asked Cathy to me.

"About Mummy's diary," I whisper so lightly I could barely hear myself. I couldn't use Sign Languid since my hand was full of kitten.

I signed goodbye to everyone and hugged Sirius the dog and got onto the train and looked to the Slytherin compartment to the Gryffindor compartment...

Cat is a Slytherin like me...or I could just stay with the Trio or Cat could come to meet them? I thought and the Trio came on, waving goodbye I tap on Hermione's shoulder and she looked at me I hand her Cathy "Can my friend Cat join you in a compartment? I'd like to know you, Ron, and Harry more." I sign and Hermione smiled "Of course," said Hermione and I smile brightly, making her eyes lighten up, and I held onto Cathy "Where are we going?" asked Cathy. I sign a cat and she nodded and we went into the Slytherin compartment to go see my best friend, and only best friend, Cat.

We found her threatening Pansy for saying something mean about me to Malfoy but he just frowned at her and smiled at me lighly I smile shyly back.

Here's mine and Malfoy's situation...We are sort of friends...He defends me because he has a twin who is deft and she died last year caused by cancer in her lungs, she couldn't breath, her last words to Malfoy were I'm proud to be your twin then she had her last breath and died...very sad...I knew his twin for a day since Cat and Malfoy are cousin's, and are also friends, I went there for Christmas on Third Year and we had a GRAND time...Malfoy isn't half bad, but he dose give me insults here and there that don't hurt because he doesn't want to make me more mute.

"So, You met the Golden Trio," said Cat and I nodded

"Their really nice, you'll like them." I said, Cat is the only person I talk to that is actually a human then a kitten, she knows my story and she has the same situation. Cat's real Mum died in birth with her she was only having her to give her to her sister who wasn't able to have children and so she named her Cat after her real Mum's favorite animal, but ironically she does love cats, we found them and Cat opens the compartment door and the Trio looks at us. I hand Cat Cathy and turn to the Trio "Guy's, this is Cat, my best friend, and only human best friend, she's been with me through thick and thin, and also in the same house as me but is really sweet and will stand up to you even if she doesn't believe the same thing." I sign and Cat translated.

"Nice to meet you, Cat." said Harry and Cat waved "Nice to meet you three," said Cat and we sat across of them and I held Cathy as I start reading Beauty and the Beast.

"So, what house are you in, Cat?" asked Ron.

"Slytherin, and not a proud Slytherin," Cat added to the stares Ron gave her, "my whole family have been Death Eaters except my great-Aunt Sally, she was in Dumbledore's side, she also knew Dawn's Uncle Regulus, anyways she told me everything that she believed in and in my heart I knew what my parents believed in was wrong, we fought over who was right, so I ran away to my great-aunt Sally and have been with her since I was eight. I never expecte to be in Slytherin, nither did Dawn, we stand up for the First Years from the Sixth Years and from Draco, but he's my cousin, I can't hurt him." said Cat.

"you're Malfoy's cousin," said Harry, I could tell he's shocked. "Oh, yeah, we're good friends, I remember when he called Hermione the M-word I threw him in a closet, pinned him to the wall, and shouted in his face slapping him here and there telling him to never say that word." said Cat, "he even stands up for Dawn here from the other Slytherins and Parkison, I was just shouting at her a minute a ago for calling Dawn a mute bastard, Draco just stood there letting me shout at her." said Cat I smile lightly reading my book.

I gotta love Cat.

A/n: SOOO!!!

in a minute I'll write about Cat, okay, bye my minions ;)

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