Family Is Everying

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I sigh as I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder and started to head out to the Great Hall with Cat. Luna has accepted Cat as her sister and is so excited being related to Cat, Cat's just so relived Luna accepts her and didn't deny her. "Me and Luna will be studying for her upcoming OWLs next year so I wont be seeing you after breakfast." Cat told me as we were walking there.

"Aw, why leave me." I pouted jokingly and Cat rolled her eyes.

"Baby, I'll see you for dinner." Cat joked with me and I giggle and Cat smiled. "Yay! I made you smile!" Cat exclaimed happily and I smile softly as Amber, Skylar, Delilah, Ellie, Victoria, and Lana join us. "Hey!" They all say happily, but you could sense the nervousness in their voices.

"Hello, Aivy, Ski, Delilah, El, Vicky, Lana." Me and Cat say in union. "What's up?"

"We're all heading to the Great Hall, well, Aivy might. She'll probably will be with with some Weasley we may know." Ellie said and Amber shrugged. "Not that Dawn would." Aivy said.

"I'm not allowed to be on the Gryffindor table, sadly." I told them and shrugged. "Alrighty then, I'll tell the Trio you said Goodluck." Victoria said and I smile gratefully towards her. As Cat's eyes widen seeing the time. "Frick My Cat Tongue" --- Delilah looked at Cat weirdly --- "I'm late with mine and Luna's studying in the library...I guess no breakfast for me."

"We'll sneak you some tonight." Skylar, Amber, and Ellie say in union as Amber giggled to them.

"Frick My Cat Tongue?" Delilah repeated.

"Cat got your tongue, my name is cat, therefore my curse word."

"Okayyy...." I giggle at the two. "Well, must go, see ya'll!" Cat said and waved goodbye as she ran towards the Library and me and my friends started walking towards the Great Hall for breakfast.

When we got there we took our separate ways to our tables and I go sit next to Draco, Blaze(Sp?), and Pansy. "Hello there, Dawn." Draco greeted me and I smile to him.

"Hello there, Draco, Blaze, Pansy." I said and they both wave to me. "Are you ready for your OWLs?" They both nod and Draco looks at me. "Dawn, Are you okay?" He asked me.

I raise a eyebrow to Draco and tilt my head a little to the side. "I'm fine, why do you ask?" I said.

"Well, I heard about your adoptive father and --- well, uh, --- blaming yourself for his death...and all..." Draco says and I shifted in my seat nervously.

"I'm fine, thanks." I say with a fake smile and take a bite of my eggs.


"Draco," I say sternly and look up to him. "I'm fine, okay, the bastard is out of my life. That's all I care about. It'll be easier to get her out of my life. Okay?" Draco sighs and nods and I continue eating my breakfast silently.

"Dawn, it's just...Cat has been telling me you've started cutting again."

I tense up a little at that and sigh heavily. "Draco, I'm fine. Can you drop this please, I really have no patients." I said to him and continue to eat breakfast. "My aunt is taking over Hogwarts, my Adoptive father is dead, and I have nowhere to be safe so please, just...stop." I grab a apple, get up, and leave the place.

After that, I didn't  talk to any of my friends or even with Harry, I just needed to be with myself and not have any pity or sympathy because I'm blaming myself for my adoptive father's death. Sure, he was a jerk, asshole, and bastard to bm 24/7 but that doesn't mean I'm going to feel regret because I was the cause of somebody's death. I just need people to stop worrying about it, is that too much to ask? Right now it's 20 minutes until we take our DADA OWLs and I'm just sitting near the Black Lake just deep in thought, taking in the silence I'm in and the the soft noise of the lake's faint waves crashing onto land from when the tentacles of the giant squid would splash his arms/tentacles.

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