You Gotta Stand Up For Yourself Around Here

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I put on my green headband and look at myself in the mirror I hated my image to be honest I just want to look like someone who people notice then just walk by me like I'm so sort of ghost then a girl around here. People actually use me around here for them to get good grades and do all sort of things like one time when I was here I thought I loved this boy that was older then me and he used me by snogging me and he was pushing me until I said I had homework to do while it was a Hogsmeade he punched me and he started abusing me and this lasted for about a month when it was Christmas holidays I went to Malfoy's and when Isabella, Malfoy's dead twin, asked me where I got the bruise on my shoulder I told her everything (Of course with hesitation) and she told Cat and when we got to Hogwarts she took me straight to the guy and she broke up for me and I became more mute after that and couldn't even talk to Cat until Cathy stepped in and I could finally speak to Cat.

I move my hair so it's not over my shoulder but all of it on my back and look at myself in the mirror closly to see I look tired, depressed, and like I'm a zombie and that I was just a ghost. I pull at my hair and I sigh deeply and look down in the corner of the mirror where I stuck a picture that I put a spell on that nobody could see it but me it was a picture of my mother who had my long black wavy hair and my blue sparkling eyes (Note: So, I've noticed, I accidently wrote that Jacob, Dawn's father, had the blue eyes I'm sorry I forgot that part...sorry again...continue to read) and Father with his kind warm brown eyes and dirty blonde hair I touch the picture lightly and close my eyes.

"I'm proud of you," Said a angel-like voice I look around but I couldn't find the voice's owner and look back over to my real parents I kiss my finger and press it to the picture and turn around and walk out of the bathroom down the stairs to see the Common Room empty I close my eyes and sigh and open them back up again and walk out of the Common Room and down the hall when I notice a crowd going outside I saw Harry walk to a girl with long black hair I knew by the name of Cho Chang I saw them talking and something rumbled inside me in my stomach and I put my hand over my stomach I look down to it curiously and back over to Cho Chang and Harry and it rumbled again I follow the crowd to stop this rumbling. when I noticed Filch giving Professor T her suitcase and she had tears running down her face when I walk more through the crowd and then noticed my evil aunt I felt my blood boil I glare over to her darkly shooting daggers into her.

"Hogwarts is my home! You can't do this!" Sobbed Professor T shakily as my heart broke and my auntie held up some paper. "Actually I can," said Auntie I growl loudly and a couple firstie's stare at me scardly I push past the crowd the same time Professor McGonagall was she hugged Professor T comfortingly as I sat in front of them glaring daggers at my aunite.

"This is wrong," I told her sternly I could feel both female teachers stare at me shocked that I've spoken. "This is wrong, Auntie dear, you can't banish a teacher here that is the Headmasters choice."

"Anything else you need to say, dear." Said Auntie and I nodded.

"I damn well do," I growl and turn to the students and teachers and give them all a look to listen closly. "This damn school has been trouble all our lives there are stuck up bully's in each house trying to make your life a living hell while your trying to get your grades up. I've spent a hell and back here and our of school and I've leanred you gotta stand up for yourself around here ---- no, everywhere. Everyone will judge you by the smallest of things and wont go near you when they actually have a excuse to why they did it, some don't, but some do. There's a muggle saying that goes like this: "Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover" People don't see that it's a true state in this fucking world, we judge, we leave, and we regret. So, next time, don't judge them or they'll stand up for themselves and you'll not notice how a wonderful they really were because you had to fucking change them." I told my small speech and turn to my aunt to see Dumbledore he looked angry but not about me but at my aunt he walked over and my Aunt turned to him. "Professor McGonagall, may I ask you to excort Sybill back inside." He said to Professor McGonagall and she nodded and took her inside and he looked at me, as I kept my ground, "Miss. Michealson, please go into my office and wait for me there." he asked I nodded and walked off feeling people stare at me I glance over to all the Gryffindor's. The Trio was staring at me shocked by my speech I look at Harry we made eye contact for a moment but I broke it and walked off knowing he'll not like me but he'll like Cho Chant.

While I walked I felt sad by my thoughts of Harry not liking me, I don't know why, but it made me sad...not that I liked him or anything, I sigh and started singing as I walked slowly to the office.

(Your Song By Ellie Goulding)

"It's a little bit funny this feeling inside.

I'm not one of those who can easily hide.

I don't have much money but boy if I did

I'd buy I big house where we both could live.

So excuse me forgetting  but these things I do.

See I've forgotten if they're green or they're blue.

Anyway the thing is...what I really mean...

Yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen.

And you can tell everybody this is your song.

It may be quite simple but now that it's done

I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind

That I put down in words how wonderful life is

now you're in the world.

If I was a sculptor  but then again no. Or a girl

who makes potions in a traveling show. I know

it's not much but it's the best I can do. My gift

is my song and this one's for you. Oh...

And you can tell everybody this is your song.

It may be quite simple but now that it's done

I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind

That I put down in words how wonderful life is

now you're in the world."

I finished and sighed and arrived to his office and said the password and went up the stairs and into his office which was still empty. I look around when I saw Fawks, Dumbledore's pet Phoenix, it was quite beautiful. I walk up to it and pet Fawks and wait in Dumbledore's office for him.

A/n: If this is 3 pages...DAMMIT! I was trying to make this four pages but I guess not...I got this idea for the song while I was sarching through songs of Ellie Goulding, she has amazing music, also the picture in the chapter is Dawn's mother so...yeah HOPE YOU LIKED THIS CHAPTER, MY MINIONS.


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