Swallowing thickly, Jimin's eyes slowly trailed up the building. It was roughly five stories high, low enough for you to maybe survive a fall, but high enough to possibly be deadly. He watched as Yoongi climbed the ladder with ease, the blonde male pausing as he looked down over his shoulder, "What are you waiting for?" Yoongi chuckled lowly, "You'll miss it!"

Jimin rolled his eyes, latching a hand onto the ladder, "Fine, fine... I'm climbing up." he groaned, beginning to make his way up the side of the building. He kept his grip tight on the beams, the ladder so old that he could feel it shake every time Yoongi climbed up ahead of him. Once Yoongi reached the top, he peered over the edge, extending a hand down towards Jimin. 

Letting out a huff, Jimin blew a strand of hair away from his forehead before taking a hold of Yoongi's hand, the older male tugging the younger up onto the roof. Jimin straightened himself, dusting off his jacket with a sigh, "Now what was it you wanted to show me-" He cast his eyes to the view, 

and he fell breathless

They were at the edge of the city, and casting his gaze west, there wasn't a building in sight to block the view. Jimin found himself wanting to melt into the sky as he watched the sun set over the horizon, spreading its largeness into the grateful sky. Rich hues of red blended with oranges, purples, crimsons. Jimin's spirit soared at the sight as he was transported into a timeless existence, ready for the protective blanket of night. The soft wind entangled itself through his hair, tousling his jacket around him as his eyes reflected the beauty of nature. 

Removing his cap from his head, Yoongi made his way to Jimin's side, the both of them standing shoulder to shoulder as they watched the sunset. As Jimin relished the breath of air, he subtly turned his gaze to Yoongi, watching him from the corner of his eye... and suddenly... the sunset wasn't the most beautiful thing anymore. 

Jimin couldn't help but stare in astonishment as a slow smile spread over Yoongi's gaunt features, it wasn't fake, it was true happiness. And it was the softest, most gorgeous thing he had ever seen from a person. 

As the sun began to disappear, Yoongi made his way over to the edge of the building. Jimin couldn't help but have his breath hitch as he continued to watch the male, "Yoongi that's kinda dangerous..."

Yoongi simply laughed, and Jimin was met with another new sight. His laugh was in his eyes, in the way his face changed into that vision of relaxed joy and unrestrained mirth, "Jimin, I do this almost every day." He extended a hand, the sun glowing behind him. It looked so warm, so inviting, "Don't be a chicken and come over here."

Jimin found a smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he almost blushed once again, trying his best to suppress his giddiness as he walked over. His steps felt lighter and he tilted his face towards the clouds above as they changed from pink to purple as night sunk in. 

His hand slipped perfectly into Yoongi's larger one, the older male sitting Jimin down beside him. Their legs dangled over the abandoned streets below, but their eyes were cast to the sky. 

"Up high, it feels like I can take a step back from life." Yoongi began to speak, surprising Jimin with his unexpected sentimental words. Yoongi wasn't one to talk or express much, so Jimin found himself savouring this moment. Yoongi continued, "It's almost like an out-of-body experience, you know? Where you can look down on the world and watch society move along without you. Its like I'm removing myself from the picture, like an escape." he let out a tired sigh, "Like a breath of fresh air, for a moment I can just be one with the sky, the clouds, the stars." he finished, the darkness finally settling in as the sun vanished over the horizon. "It helps me relax."

Yoongi's voice remained as warm as early spring, as if his mind was steady and calm. Jimin had recently shown Yoongi his way of doing things, so Jimin realised that this must've been Yoongi's wordless way of showing Jimin his own way of spending his free time. 

Jimin's lips beard the semblance of a smile, just enough to show that he was enjoying his thoughts. He wanted to cherish this moment forever, because he didn't know when Yoongi might show this side of himself again. He'd never been able to spend this much time with him. So wordlessly, Jimin kept silent as he moved in closer, just enough to feel his presence. Yoongi stayed quiet, allowing Jimin to loose himself in the moment just a little while longer. 

The stars came out, and the pair sat in silence, dangling their feet over the edge of the building. But silence couldn't last forever, the small chime of Yoongi's phone pulling them both from their trance. 

Furrowing his brows, Yoongi slipped his phone out from his pocket, switching on the screen and swiping over the message. From beside him, Jimin moved away, "Who's it from?"

With his face aglow by the light of the phone screen, Yoongi's eyes met with Jimin's, "It's from Namjoon..." he paused, showing Jimin the message, 

"He's calling us in for training."


{Author Note}

Today I did a 'social glow up'

Now that school's long behind me, I worked some things out. 

First I dropped my long time best friend. She hadn't been talking to me for a few months and it felt like I was pulling along a toxic relationship so I let her go... I cried, but I feel happier now. 

Secondly I spent time with my mum who I don't live with anymore. She use to be an alcoholic who was emotionally abusive towards me, we never had a good relationship... but now she's clean and we're both making an effort to fix it, so I'm crazy happy about that. We've never had as good relationship as we do now.

Next I visited one of my friends at work. I hadn't seen her since January and I decided to pop in and say high... and lastly I'm hanging out with my pals tomorrow... so socially and mentally I guess I had a glow up? 

Trust me... best. feeling. ever! xox

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