Chapter 7: Antecedent

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America's POV:

Life as school captain was relatively uneventful. At least for now though, I have a feeling it'll get busier later on. The next few days were pretty much the same, albeit I had to spend more time with China and setting an example, as well as the occasional late finish as we had to help the teachers out. It was on one of these occasions that we had to say farewell to our lunch hour that day so that we could reorganise some forms.

"Hey, Chi," I grunted, half-dropping a stack of papers onto a nearby desk, "mind helping out?"

The person in question was busy grimacing at his phone, texting at the speed of light.


That finally got him looking up, "What?"

"Mind helping out?" I sighed, gesturing to the piles of paper.

"Hmph, and why should I?" he scoffed, "You never helped when I asked."

"Now's not the time to be petty," I said with gritted teeth, "so either help me out or I'll get one of the teachers to give your badge to someone else."

"Tch," China rubbed his temples before pocketing his phone, "you are aware that Russia got the third-most votes, no?"

"Seriously? That drunkard?" I couldn't believe it. He didn't do much and certainly didn't seem to care either. Once, I spotted Russia sharing a bottle of vodka at the back of the school once with... actually it's kinda fuzzy but it was some of his buddies,

"Jesus Christ," China lightly facepalmed, "what's it with you constantly jumping to conclusions?"

"I'm just surprised that they haven't booted him yet," I shrugged, "the school can be pretty strict y'know."

"I wasn't born yesterday, Ame. Why else did you think my brother left?" China sighed, irritated, "Give Russia a chance, he's a pretty swell guy."

"Birds of a feather stick together..." I muttered under my breath.

"What was that?"


China rolled his eyes, "fine then."

My eyes widened as I found myself being shoved out of the room.

"CHINA!" I sputtered, "Wh-"

"Well," he sneered "since you see me as a worthless burden on society, how about you go and have your 'well-deserved' break then, hm?"

And with that, he shut the door to the room. I knew it would be pointless to try and re-enter, these doors locked from the inside and China was a stubborn bastard. I sighed, he's usually calmer than this. As annoying as he is, China has proven to be quite helpful in the past. I shrugged it off, high school does that to people. My stomach growled, alerting me to the fact that I haven't eaten as we weren't allowed to bring food into the printing room. Alright, next stop, my locker.


Russia's POV:

I tapped my fingers mindlessly on the cafeteria table before being alerted to buzz from my pocket.


🌟China🌟 : Hey, sorry about that. Ame was getting cranky

You: It's fine man, u doing good?

🌟China🌟: Yeah, just got a text that my dad's coming home soon.

You: That's awesome!

🌟China🌟: Took the old geezer long enough....

You: Come on, lighten up dude

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