Chapter 2: Exposition

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Russia's POV

When father said that UN High was gonna be different than any school I'd been in before, I wasn't expecting for the first thing to be involved in was some sort of school drama.

Father enrolled me in UNHS after some trouble in my last school and also me FINALLY passing the entrance exam with a couple of my siblings. He was pretty disappointed it took me so long, after all he graduated from UN High with huge awards, but all that matters is that I finally got in along with Ukraine, Belarus and NK. Yeah, North and I aren't blood related, but by now he's basically become part of the family. Father works as a cop and also fosters/tutors various kids, so that's why he was allowed to keep NK, who wanted to stay with us, after Imperial was imprisoned. NK bumped into our father since he was investigating a string of murders and kidnappings and North would only talk to father on his own. The legal procedures were long and complicated but ultimately it was agreed that NK could stay with us.

Honestly, he can be really clingy at times. I still remember one incident when father had to go work at the station. North wouldn't stop crying, begging for father not to leave, it was crazy! I think China realised too when he came over and met NK for the first time. He still seems to be pretty uncomfortable with how... huggy NK can get at times, and China's known our family for a while ever since father started tutoring him years ago.

Ah well, he's still remained a close friend of ours. Along with our neighbour Mongolia, China showed us the way to school via the nearby bus station. Turns out that NK, Mongolia, China and I were all gonna be in the same class.

"HELL YES!" Mongolia whooped earlier, pumping his fist into the air, "LADS TOGETHER, FOREVER!"

Judging by the grins and cheers, I think it's safe to say we were all pleased with it. In hindsight, perhaps a little too pleased as we all ended up skipping and jumping to school, accidentally shoving a few people aside.

Which brings us back too..

"Hyeong," North nodded curtly before turning heel and dragging China away with him, "I'll see you at class."

"Weirdo," scoffed the guy holding NK's brother.

I have met South before, but it took awhile for things to click into place. Honestly, both twins have changed a lot.

"Let's go," I grunted to my other siblings and Mongolia, who stood fixed upon the ground. Annoyingly enough, he was unresponsive.

I sighed before yanking him away by the arm, "Come on. We don't wanna be lost AND late."


America's POV

"What assholes," Australia grumbled as we made our way to the classrooms.

"Maybe it was all just a big misunderstanding," Canada gave a nervous laugh, "all the 'new school' nerves or something."

"Well they definitely have a lot of nerve for just up and leaving," I scoffed as we stopped at the hallway.

This was where we had to split up for the next few hours. SK and I were in the same class since we were a similar age, same with Aussie and Kiwi, but otherwise we'd all have to go to separate rooms. So we gave our bye's and cyas and went on our merry way. SK and I counted the doors to room 2020 before giving each other a brief look and pushing the door open.

According to the clock on the wall, we were three minutes late. According to the look on the teacher's face, that was three minutes too late.

"Sorry teach," I laughed awkwardly, "We bumped into some problems on our way."

Mr. Asean sighed exasperatedly, "Not your finest entrance, America, but apology accepted, just don't do it again. Now go and take your seats."

I grimaced as I tried to scan the room for a seat. To my dismay, the only other seat left was next to China's buddy from earlier.

"Alright class," Mr. Asean clasped his hands together, "since we now have a full attendance I suppose it's appropriate for the new students to finally introduce themselves. Starting with Mongolia, would the new students please stand and state their names and a fact about them?"

Turns out Mongolia was the silent guy from earlier and is currently sitting next to SK. After a longass time of trying to speak, we all learned that he liked horses, music and wrestling.

At least it was more informative than North's.

"My name's the Democratic People's Republic of Korea," NK stated, "but people just call me North." and then sat down again.

"Oh, Korea? are you related to South by any chance?" Mr. Asean asked.

North took a look at his twin brother before saying, "Nope."


"Hi everybody!"

That voice... could it really be-

"My name's Philipia," she said with her signature giggle, "and I love everyone and everything, it's lovely to finally meet you all!"

It's been ages since I last saw her. We had some issues and problems, but Philipia and I became the closest friends as children. I lost contact after her family moved away, and I definitely wasn't expecting to see her again. It felt jarring to see how much she's grown up, yet still retaining that childlike innocence. The uniform was a bit too small on her, revealing every curve and arch on her body.

Oh yeah, she grew alright...

I tried to snap myself out of whatever trance I just fell into, flushing red. God, since when did I become such a pervert?

Next up was the girl sitting in front of me, Japan, and it wasn't hard to tell who her parents were. Or parent to be more specific. She took a lot after Imperial, way too much, and I couldn't help but feel bad for her. That's when I noticed South gawking at her, before abruptly turning away, red-faced.

Heheh, looks like somebody's got a crush~

Finally, China's buddy next to me stood up. At this angle I could see that he was pretty fit, I wonder what exercises he does? He cleared his throat before starting.

"Privyet," he smirked, "Name's Russia, and I'm here to take my father's place in this school, so prepare for classes unlike anything you've ever had before."


What an asshat.


AN: *pulls champagne poppers* The main cast is here~!! I was too impulsive to wait to publish chapter 2 so sorry if there are any mistakes ^_^" anyways, hope you guys enjoyed that for now, lemme know what you think so far and I'll cya around!

UN HighOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora