Chapter 6: Adversary

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America's POV:

I wiped my brow after sticking the final poster on one of the walls outside the classrooms. I shivered as my thoughts flew back to last night. So many fights over what outfit I should wear for one photo.... I heard a chuckle behind me, swivelling around to see China.

"Not bad," he smirked, "but not good enough."

"Well if it isn't the pain in my ass," I sighed.

"Oh," China perked up, "so you admit to being a bottom then?"

"Piss off-" I was cut off by feeling a hand clasp itself around my face, like the claws of a dragon regaining its pearl.

"Did you gain weight?" China sneered, giving my face a slight squeeze, much to my irritation, "Listen, Ame, I'd rather not waste my time dilly dallying around so let's get straight to the point."

I felt a sudden tug, grunting as I was pulled sharply downwards.

"You may have everyone singing praises of you, but I don't buy whatever image you're trying to uphold," China cooed, "I'm not scared of you, and I'm certainly not done with you either."

I immediately pulled out of his grasp once it loosened, rubbing my cheeks vigorously, trying to erase the sensation of claws digging into my skin.

"Pleasure doing business with you," he winked, walking away, "as per usual."

I growled a little, so that's how he wanted to play huh. Fine, so be it.

And so, I began an aggressive campaign of kindness.

Homework? Done. Forgot to bring lunch money? Covered. Sweets? Got em. Bullies? Well... Let's just say they got a little surprise...

(*sigh* No, I did NOT beat them up. What? I have standards!)

The next few days wiped out most of my allowance, but it would surely pay off when the election came up a few days later.


I absentmindedly tapped my foot, rapidly bouncing it up and down before Canada slapped a hand on my knee.

"Chill," he huffed. I forgot how much he hated the whole foot-bouncing thing. Mr. EU was droning on again in his monotonous voice, leading my eyes to wander around the hall. To the right, China was staring ahead, cupping his face in his hand, with Russia snoring next to him, now sporting an ushanka to conceal his drooping eyes. Sometimes, one of his siblings would tap him awake while NK and Mongolia were just barely illuminated by the light of a hidden phone. On the other side of the hall, Philipia was squashed between the South East Asians. She was giggling, stifling her laughs with great difficulty, at some joke Malaysia whispered, her eyes glistening with delight in the dimmed light. I couldn't help but feel... jealous? Philipia noticed me, giving a small wave and thumbs up, causing me to look away as my face heated up in embarrassment. I decided to focus my attention on the row I was currently seated in. To my left, Canada was twiddling with his thumbs and South resting his head on one hand. It was an old trick of his to hide his earbuds through his jacket sleeves. To my right, Aus was fiddling with a shiny stone he smuggled from home (his rock collection was his pride and joy) whilst Kiwi looked to be sinking into the void behind the seats to never return. I was about to join him, when the words finally came.

"And now," Mr. EU smiled, "the moment you've all been waiting for. Once I call the new captains' names out, please come to the stage to receive your badges from Dr. UN."

Dr. UN, our principal and founder of the school in its current incarnation. He was usually in his office, too busy to attend assemblies. With oblong glasses and a welcoming smile, he isn't the first person that you'd imagine to come to mind with the word 'powerful'.

"Students of United Nations High School..."

The drumming of hands on laps started, a deep rumble that crescendoed on.

"Your school captain and vice captain for this year are..."

I clenched my teeth, fingers crossed as the drumming became akin to thunder rolling in the distant skies.

"America and China!"

I jumped out of my seat, exhilarated, as the whole school cheered with thunderous applause. I felt Canada grab me by my shoulders, vigorously shaking me with an energy unlike him.

"YOU DID IT YOU LOVEABLE BASTARD!!!" He whooped, slapping me forwards on the back, "NOW GO GET THAT BADGE!!!"

I couldn't help but grin, euphoria and adrenaline coursing through my veins, as I ran past the other rows, giving high fives along the way. In the distance, I could see Philipia blow a kiss to me, causing me to blow one back with reddened cheeks.

What the hell am I doing that was so idiotic-

Finally, I approached the stage, ascending its steps to find the teachers and China there. He must've had teleportation powers or something if he was able to get there so fast! Dr. UN smiled, extending one hand to shake and then another with the badge.

"Congratulations, America," he said with twinkling eyes.

"Thank you so much, sir," I gaped in awe as the shiny school captain badge was finally in my hands before being ushered, centre-stage, next to the new vice captain.

"Well played, Mei," China smiled with his signature half-lidded look, the Mandarin nickname slipping off his tongue.

It was hard to tell if his smile was genuine or malicious, but nonetheless I simply grinned back, "You too."


AN: Aaaaaand here's chapter 6! Hope you guys enjoyed it ^^! The next few chapters will be exciting as we start to focus on the other form that Ame's class got heheheheh, stay tuned~!!

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