17) prison?! ✓

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"I thought he was in prison."

"She bailed him out."

"How did she do that."

"She claiming Sally's hers. So she convinced some of the town to help get her family out of jail. Saying he changed and he didn't deserve this and that they love each other."

"No way. Now what"

"There fighting. For custody and leadership. But there taking it to the city, if they win they get everything the town's the minors and Chris gets kicked."

"So we get back up."

"Then he'll get back up. It'll start a problem we don't need."

"But she's blood, we can't let her be hurt."

"Hell go after her, he wants her gone. He gets everything if she gone."

"Then we make sure she's never alone. We protect her."

"She can't be alone, some one has to be with her."

"She has to move, she has to be in arms reatch"

"She the key."

"So we protect her until the threat is done. She can't do this alone."

"She can't, we need to help her. She won't survive."

"So we all agree. She stays in sight of at least two diavolos."

"No." I say and they all look at me.

"I've done this on my own, for 17 years, 6 months, and 3 days. I only need the people that were there after that, if your not it don't bother caring." I say standing up I walk away I get to the balcony and climb up to the roof.

"Tesoro," I hear and see Ace climbing on the roof.

"Why do they care now they never did before" I say and he sits next to me.

"It's ok, we have a plan that might help all of us." He says and I get mad.

"You too. I thought you were different your just like them. Why did I ever like you, how can I do it now....." I'm cut off by aces lips. He pulls back and wipes my tears I didn't even realize were there.

"I know princess, you didn't let me explain. I told you I'm not leaving you, I ment it." He says I nod and he tells me the plan.


"Ace I'm scared" I say we were gonna stay in the cottage but they need to update the software witch will take two weeks. So till then we're in.

"The boys dorm." Me and Abby whisper.

"You girls will be fine let's go." Adam says walking in.

"Look there hot."
"Who are they."
"Are they single"
"Are they with the diavolos"
"But why are they here" Boys started whispering. We get to the top floor and it gets worse.

"Why are they here there not blood. Just her"

"Why dose she have to be blood."

"Mommy." Sunny says running to me Sally right behind him.

"Sunny you know Sally can't go that fast slow down." Abby says picking Sally up from falling.

"Sorry auntie Abby." Sunny says as Ace picks him up on his shoulders.

"Yay, I'm daddy size!" He says and we head to the top floor.

"Oh thank God, we've been getting glares since we got here." Trevor says pulling me and Abby inside.

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