Old Hound dogs and the pup

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Vice Admiral Matthew D. Watson

I will never forget that day for as long as I live, it was supposed to be just another cakewalk in leyte just like in the previous great war. Only that this time, it was those who we once called foes were now our closest allies.

To some seeing their nation become nothing more than a field of ashes would break their spirits and will to fight on, but I learned very quickly that the Sakurans as well as the iron blood had the same willpower as their ancestors had during those dark times. The destruction of their homeland only fueled their hatred towards those monsters as well as gratitude for their new comrade in arms.

We were confident that we had the sirens on the ropes, our far east offensive managed to push the Sirens almost all the way back to the areas they originally controlled. There was no way that the they were going to be able to stop the juggernaut of this eight nation armada... or so I thought.

"Commander get out of here! I will grant you some time..." A battered Akagi yelled over the radio desperately while part of the fleet tried to break through to reach her encircled battlegroup.

 "Akagi try to breakthrough us as well! We can hold them off until then!" I yelled over a radio before the deafening sound of Nagato's sixteen inch guns roared intensely followed closely by her array of secondary armaments.

"I am afraid that it is too late for me my love... You were right, this was a ruse all along... I am sorry I will not be able to keep the promise we made to each other..." Akagi said in between her heavy jagged breathing followed by her painful shrieks as the enemy blasted into the battlegroup one final volley almost in unison. I stood on the bridge of the Nagato in shock as I observed Akagi in the distance, her body fell ever so slowly for me. The blank expression in her face told me all that I needed to know. Akagi as well was no longer with us and soon we would be next if I did not changed course.

  "You are a fool... what did you expect to accomplish with this feat?" a gentle voice asked behind me in a sinister manner before I felt something slippery wrap around my body as it began to suffocate me. I hoped for it to be my lover but unfortunately for me, it was the same monster that once seduced her with her sweet words. It was non other than observer alpha, her yellow almost amber like eyes stared at me like a hungry wolf only inches from my face.

 It was non other than observer alpha, her yellow almost amber like eyes stared at me like a hungry wolf only inches from my face

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  "... To think that you would risk your own existence as well as the ones you cherish for just for a few who strayed away... if you truly are so desperate to be with them, then perhaps I should allow you to stay with that group of misfits forever..." she said with a mischievous grin.

"You... tch..." I said before she tightened the noose around my neck as I desperately struggled for air all the while she looked at me blankly before letting out a scoff.

  "How unfortunate... it seems that the creator still requires you to stay alive... your time will come where you will prove your worth to us 'commander'... in the mean time I will watch patiently, we will meet once again..." Observer alpha said before she connected her lips with mine causing me to block what little air I was receiving as I began to struggle in an attempt to regain my breath. It felt as if was starring at the abyss in those eyes of hers, that is not mentioning how sinister yet innocent she appeared to be. Regardless of how she seemed, it felt as if i was being eaten alive as my consciousness began to fade once again only to hear someone cry out my name.

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