The plan

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Vice Admiral Mathew D. Watson

"I have to admit it... you made the right call..." I said to my wife as I finished reading her report while waiting for Nagato's meeting with me. Fog seemed to have settled in on the lagoon and hardly anyone could see no more than ten feet in the best scenario and while for many it may seem like a good excuse to stay in bed or to be in good company, for us who defended this lagoon seemed like the opportune moment for the siren to attack.

 "You doubted the empress of the waves? My you surely have become more arrogant since you decided to return..." Yamato said in an overly dramatic manner. You could that she was ecstatic for the results even though she attempted to hide them although she failed miserably.

A few days have passed since the incident and things seemed to have somewhat gone back to what it used to be with the exception that Bismarck seemed more approachable rather than being a short tempered bull frog with a nasty attitude. I would have loved to gloat that we were able to accomplish this, but that is something that my wife accomplished by her self. She once again proved to me that I could trust her with anything and she would go the extra mile just to give me better results.

"Well someone has to pull you away from the crazy schemes you come out with... if it weren't for me you would have your stern missing or something..." I said before she looked at me intensely.

 "Well... you seem to have an interest on several parts on my design do you not? I am surprise that you have been able to withstand this much punishment." Yamato asked with a smug forming on her face.

"Well you would be mad at me if that were not the case... not that I am complaining about it..." I said before she let out a soft giggle.

 "I am just glad that you have seemed to have adapted very quickly to the environment, I was beginning to worry with how isolated from the world you became..." she said before I let out a chuckle, confusing her as she tilted her head slightly out of curiosity.

"Now I definitely need to take you to my parents home to understand how I grew up..." I said as I looked her in the eyes.

"If you thought I was an isolated commoner when we meet, you will definitely think I was some sort of shut in serf or something like that after you live how i grew up." I said as her curiosity took the better of her.

"We will see... What was it like?" Yamato asked, I hardly ever brought my parents up with her, we were so occupied with work and other matters that she we really just never brought them up, all that she knew was that they were... lively to say the least thanks to her experiences with them in our wedding.

"Well... it wasn't much, I mean we have a small ranch with our animals and what not. My older brother, sister and I used to hunt all the time or I helped my pops with the cows or horses, I hardly had any contact with other kids of my age but we were never bored. I was never a fan of crows and there was always something to do around the ranch." I said before I let out another chuckle.

"You know that reminds me... I received recently that my nephew will be graduating real soon. He was able to pass the first trials to be assigned as a officer in this base so i will need your help to select who would be the most troublesome ship we have at our disposal..." I said as I looked at our family picture that laid on my desk from our wedding.

 "So that is why Miss Prinz Eugen was your secretary as a lieutenant..." she said thoughtfully.

"Yeah, the method is used to root out any officer who is unable to handle Azur lanes most complicated individuals, if they can not control someone like her, then they fail the program and end up reassigned in some backwater port guarding it." 

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