Glass hearts

667 16 22

Cherry blossom Village


IJN Yamato

Ideals are peaceful, history is violent... for may years I was one of the many who believed that we could harness the powers of the sirens to the benefit of humanity. How wrong were we to believe that we could achieve such a feat.

While many already are aware that the effort was pointless, there were a few that remained that still believed that this could still be a possibility, Lady Bismarck was just another of those cases. Mathew already had a... troubled past with her to say the least before the war began.

He was young and impressionable lieutenant back when they first met, to say that he was infatuated with her as putting it lightly. With that same passion and naivety that he adored his acquaintance, he soon realized that his idol was nothing more than a facade for someone who desperately tried to maintain her sanity or so the story goes as I am told. Because of this, the relationship between them has always been strenuous for the Iron blood. Things seemed to be headed for the worse with this turn of events, but I fortunately had the foresight to see the storm that formed in the distance.

"Why are we here? Weren't you going to meet with your little apprentice?" Bismarck said in a condescending demeanor.

 "I am, but I wanted to talk to you miss Bismarck..." I said as we made our way through the village, the Sakuran and Eagle Union settlers seemed ever so lively as they walked out to greet me or bowed in reverence towards me as if I was the high priestess herself.

"To talk while you gloat in the petty reverence of a bunch of common rabble?" Bismarck asked as she looked at the settlers sharply. The settlers were not subtle in showing their disdain for the Iron Blood warship. They were able to witness the battle first hand as the village laid just on the edge of the harbor. They are well aware of what she did to her sister, to them she was nothing more than a coward or a deranged rabid beast that needed to be put to rest.

 "They only do this because of what I have done for them not because of who I am. You out of all people should now how we revere saviors..." I said as the Eagle Union mayor made his way out of the small magistrate to greet us.

  "My lady... it is an honor to see you once again!" he said as we both bowed towards each other.

 "The honor is all mine mister Gordon, I am sorry but I came here to make sure that everything is in order after the attack." I said as he adjusted his old worn out glasses.

 "Rest assured my lady, there were no issues. Although the militia was unable to provide support due to the battle being further away from the range of our coastal battery ." he said as his old tired eyes shifted his gaze towards Bismarck who looked down upon the old man coldly.

  "With all due respect my lady, her presence may concern several of our citizens due to her actions..." Mayor Gordon said as two of his men closely watched Bismarck with their hands laying closely to their rifles.

 "Do not worry mister Gordon, I will personally make sure that she is on her best behavior. I wish to have an evening stroll around the village before I take my leave." I said as before he bowed once more.

  "Then we shall entrust you the safety of our village once more my lady... I must beg my leave as I as well need to attend to my duties." he said before I bowed once more.

 "Of course, send your wife my regards." I said as he let out a warm smile.

  "Like wise to the vice admiral my lady..." I said before he returned inside the magistrate which consisted of a small bungalow.

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