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I.J.N Yamato

"Is there any sign of her?" I asked as the howling of Muninn's air group gave a more ominous feel to the meeting point.

Our searches proved nothing of interest aside from the occasional picket boat full of manjuus in the distance keeping an ever watchful eye for any enemies. Our meeting point was hardly a hospitable island in no man's land, there were no natural water sources nor vegetation. Just a rock on top of a sandbar forming a natural harbor reminding me of a story that my husband told to the little destroyers once.

 "We are close my lady... I've already received a transmission from her..." Muninn said paying close attention to his headset.

  "Yeah and everything seems to be clear down here, although there are a lot more humpback whales than usual around here..." the voice of lady Mizuchi said over the radio.

 "That is because it's matting season, you're going to be seeing that for the next few weeks around these parts of the sea..." Muninn said before a wave caused him to fly a few feet off the water.

  "Isn't that on winter though?"

 "We are in the southern hemisphere Mizuchi, what season do you think it is in the middle of the year?"

  "Then why is it hot?" Mizuchi asked with an innate curiosity.

 "It's simple really, ever heard of el Niño?"

  "Yeah! Wait so this year we're going to have a bad hurricane season?" Lady Mizuchi asked.

 "It seems so not to mention that this weather is not the best for my planes. They generate far less lift and if it keeps getting warmer, then I will have to call off my fighters to conserve our fuel..." Muninn said with concern.

"You seem to have familiarized yourself with the weather, did you regain some of your memories or did you study?" I asked as he as well piqued my interest.

 "As a matter of fact, I did both... it turns out I had to take many classes concerning navigation and meteorology if I were to become a pilot on my previous life... you do not know how much it helps to plan my flights for my aircraft with this knowledge. I have to find ways on how to be efficient if I want to protect everyone..." he said with a blank stare observing his corsairs circling above like a group of vultures in formation.

"Well I am glad you are making progress... I would love to hear your misadventures one day." I said all the while the rest of the group seemed to be focusing on the conversation, more specifically little Chernava. She seemed to have been perturbed by the idea of having lived a previous life. But all of this was cut short when a thick layer of fog settled in mere moments, our visibility was near zero yet none of us panicked.

This dense fog as well as the overcast storm protected the meeting point all too well as intended, to say that this little tactic has worked in many ways was putting it lightly. I continued on ever so cautiously for minutes being guided by my radars as my ever so cumbersome rigging felt as if it was going to run aground. But all of these worries disappeared when I felt the heat of a beam warm my face before being met by a few siren like cannons ready to fire its lethal barrage all the while I faced mine as well as a precaution.

   "It is very bold of your to waltz into my domain you glorified floating hotel..." the voice of an unusually cheery woman called out through the mist.

"Is it now? Big words for a mere summon gone wrong..." I said before the intimidating facade of my opponent immediately shattered.

   "Oh come on, now that's uncalled for..." a siren said with an audible huff.

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