Chapter 27 - Happily Ever After?

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/* This is the last part.  I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.  Thank you so much!! */

Lance's POV

Later that night, after everyone picked up their stuff and left, Lance is alone in is room. He's thinking about a certain someone. Lance always knew he was bisexual, but he never thought he would fall in love with his rival. Lance thinks back on his long, complicated relationship with the boy to figure out when the attraction started. As it turns out, Lance has been chasing blindly after Keith since they met, constantly talking and thinking about him.

Lance sighs, staring up at the ceiling, his hair damp from his shower. A soft knocking sound comes at his door, and Lance sits up. He gets out of bed and keys open the door, which slides away to reveal the silhouette of Keith.

The Black Paladins s standing in Lance's doorway, nervously tugging on his sweatshirt's sleeves. For the record, Keith is wearing a red sweatshirt and boxers, nothing else. Lance's mind is blank.

"Hey, Lance. Did I wake you up?" Keith asks worriedly. Lance shakes his head dumbfoundedly.

"Can I come in?" Keith wonders. Lance nods, backing away from the entrance so Keith has room to enter. Keith stands in the middle of the room, still tugging on his sleeves. Lance comes up to him.

"What's wrong, Keith?" Lance asks.

"I-I can't sleep," he admits, staring shamefacedly at the ground. Lance wraps him in a hug.

"You can stay here if you want," Lance offers. Keith nods his head against Lance's chest.

Lance pulls away to climb under the covers. Keith follows suit, cuddling against Lance's side. Keith is like a furnace, his body warming every inch of Lance.

"Thank you, Lance," Keith yawns, relaxing in Lance's arms.

"Any time, Mullet," Lance whispers. Keith giggles in his ear at the nickname.

"Did you just giggle?" Lance teases, poking Keith in the stomach. Keith squirms in his arms, but Lance pulls him closer.

"Keith, I think I'm in love with you," Lance admits when it's quiet again. His voice loud in the silence, frightening him. Keith doesn't answer, scaring Lance. Does Keith not like him back?

"I love you too, Lance," Keith finally says, pressing a gentle kiss on the side of Lance's neck. Lance takes a hold of Keith's chin and looks him in the eyes.

"Do you mean that?" he asks, his voice sounds so vulnerable it hurts.

"Yes. I've loved you since I met you, and I will never stop loving you," Keith breathes, as though the words have been hidden under his skin this entire time. Lance's heart skips a beat, and he leans in.

Keith's lips are soft against his. Lance wraps his hands in Keith's hair, marveling at how soft the tangles are. A low moan sounds in Keith's throat, encouraging Lance, who coaxes Keith's mouth open and sticks his tongue in. The kiss is gentle and loving, Lance's tongue exploring his rival's mouth. Keith continues to moan, his warms hands travelling up and down Lance's back.

When Lance pulls back, he admires the beautiful face beneath him. Keith's eyes slowly flutter open, his eyelashes ticking Lance's cheek. His lips are swollen, and his breaths are heavy.

Keith's eyes stare into his own, open, honest, loving. There is so much adoration in those indigo pools that Lance is floored.

"Kiss me again," Keith says, his swollen lips forming the perfect words. Who is Lance to deny his favorite person? Lance swoops down, capturing Keith's mouth in another kiss, this one more passionate than the last.

They spend the night kissing and cuddling, and in the morning, they agree to start dating. Lance has never been this happy before, and he's pretty sure Keith feels the same way.

Down Memory Lane - VoltronDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora