Chapter 25 - Come On Keith

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Lance's POV

"Wait, Keith. How did you get from your room to the hangar without being caught on camera?" Pidge asks, her brows furrowed in confusion. Keith knocks his head back and laughs.

"That's for me to know, and you never to find out," Keith jokes, winking at her. She just frowns and crosses her arms.

"I still think he has a secret passage somewhere," Lance says. Keith sends him a wink and a smirk, confirming Lance's suspicions.

"So, I am right! Where is it, Mullet? You gotta show me," Lance whines.

"First off, it's not a mullet, and secondly, like I told Pidge, it's for me to know and you never to find out," Keith retorts. Lance groans and pulls at Keith's arms, begging for the answer.

"Oh, Keith, I guess we should tell you. While Lance was searching for a secret passage, we found the hidden compartment under your bed," Shiro admits. Keith freezes immediately.

"We found you notebooks," Allura adds.

"Did you read anything?" Keith asks quietly, his eyes wide.

"We read the last paragraph of the notebook on top. Nothing else, we promise," Shiro says. Keith sucks in a breath and looks around at them.

"Don't worry about it, Mullet. We understand," Lance says soothingly. Keith relaxes a little at that, but tension still sits on his shoulders. Everyone's quiet for a second. Lance is absorbed in the way Keith's shoulder muscles are bunched up.

"We should have a spa day!" Lance exclaims suddenly, surprising everyone. "Yeah, I got a lot of face masks at the Mall. Please, can we do it?"

A chorus of ok's reach his ears, and even Keith gives a small nod. Lance cheers and jumps off the couch. He ushers everyone out, grabbing his shopping bag from the floor. Shiro picks up the drawings and brings them along.

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