Chapter 12 - The Tunnel, Part 1

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/* This was a fun part to write, hope y'all like it! TW: Minor panic attack */

Keith's POV

The paladins slowly make their way through the pitch-black tunnel. Inside is even worse than Keith had anticipated. The darkness is a living thing, suffocating him. He can't see anything, despite everyone having their suit lights on. The only thing Keith can feel is the floor beneath his feet and Lance's hand in his own. It gives him a strange sense of vertigo and floating.

Keith keeps walking, tugged along by the hand in front of him. He's panting heavily, like he just finished a long training session, even though he has done nothing but walk. He clings tighter to the hand in front of him, trying to keep it together.

"Keith? Are you ok?" Lance's voice sounds from right next to him. Keith nearly jumps out of his skin. "Whoa, whoa. Mullet, it's ok. I've got you."

The hand in his tugs Keith forward faster until he is tucked up against a warm body. Lance is holding him close, arm around him. Despite his fear of the dark, claustrophobic cave, Keith feels safe.

"Thank you, Lance," Keith whispers, startled at the loudness of his own voice. They continue walking, the two boys, linked to an unknowing Hunk, huddled together.

Up ahead they hear a slight commotion, and everyone in the line comes to a complete stop.

"Shiro! Are you ok?" Allura calls out, fear lacing her voice.

"Fine," Shiro pants. The darkness must be getting to him too.

"Relax, Shiro. Deep breaths; calm down," Keith says slowly, knowing a relaxed voice can help with panic attacks.

"I think it would help if we held conversation or sang or literally anything," Lance proposes. Keith agrees whole-heartedly.

"I agree, Lance. Being first is really freaking me out, and the silence doesn't help," Pidge adds.

"We can sing something. I heard that during wars and stuff the soldiers sang to keep their spirits up," Hunk offers.

"What should we sing?" Keith asks.

"How about 'I will survive' by Gloria Gaynor?" Lance replies.  No one disagrees.

Their voices fill the tunnel and scare away the demons of the dark. They keep walking, and walking, and walking. The tunnel never seems to end. Just before the paladins finish the song, something happens.

Keith feels the floor give under his feet. He falls straight down, slipping right out of Lance's grasp like a wet bar of soap. He screams out as he loses all sense of direction in the darkness, then there's light, and he lands on something soft.

Keith keeps his eyes closed, trying to let them adjust to the sudden light. When he can open them without too much pain, he takes a look around him.

Keith is in another large cavern, but this one is stock full of stuff. Rugs and pillows strew the floor; tapestries hide the hideous cut of the rock walls. A small cough gets his attention. Sitting against the wall is a ginormous purple octopus. Well, purple is the wrong word, more like iridescent. And ginormous isn't big enough, because the creature's head nearly brushes the 200-foot ceiling.

"Welcome, Paladin. I am the Entity of the cavern," the octopus claims in the booming voice Keith is already familiar with. In front of the octopus, Keith sees the Pearl resting gently on some cushions. The entity lets out a booming chuckle when he catches where the paladin's attention is.

"Yes, this is the real Pearl; just as I promised. You can take it now, if you like," the octopus offers. So far, Keith has said nothing. He saunters carefully towards the Pearl, keeping an eye on his surroundings for traps or from a surprise attack from his so-called host. He reaches the Pearl without incident, and snatches it from its comfortable position. He looks back up the octopus after a second.

"Thank you, but where are my friends?" Keith asks.

"They are still in the tunnel," the Entity answers immediately. When it doesn't elaborate, "Why?"

"The tunnel is the last test. Many heroes have come here, wanting the Pearl for their own uses. Some of them fail the test with their memories and fears; some of them fail in the fake Pearl room; but the majority fail in the tunnel. The darkness scares them, and they end up dropping and begging for release. They give up the Pearl in return for freedom. One-by-one your friends will join you, if the tunnel doesn't break them first."

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