Chapter 2 - The Mountain

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/* Hope you like the story so far.  This part is kinda short, but I promise the next chapter is gonna be juicy!  Please comment so I can fix my trash writing! */

Pidge's POV

The crowd of Bahirians followed the paladins to the mountain. The trek alone took up several hours. Flying the Lions would have turned a five-hour walk into a five-minute commute, but the natives wanted to parade them. Pidge hated every second, even though some of the other paladins carried her for a while. Hunk let her ride on his shoulders, when he noticed she was falling behind. When Hunk got tired, she piggy-backed Shiro. Even Keith and Lance carried her for a bit.

Finally, they stand before the dark mountain, the brown earth looming menacingly above them. The crowd cheers them on, herding the six of them towards the entrance. Before they enter though, Rillou stops them.

"Paladins, we do not know what is inside the caverns. None have ever returned to tell us. We are counting on you to save us," Rillou says. Pidge rolls her eyes.

"So much for a pep talk," she mutters under her breath. She doesn't think anyone heard her until Lance agrees.

The paladins walk into the darkness of the entrance, and keep going until the cheering of the natives behind them fades away. The hallway ends abruptly, spitting them out into a large cavern. The coarse rocks give away that this is a natural cave, not created by miners.

Pidge scans the room with her suit.

"No signs of life, and for some reason my suit can't create a map of the cavern," Pidge tells everyone.

"Ok, so where do we go?" Lance asks, looking around. The only apparent entrance is the opening they came through.

"Maybe we can just go back the way we came?" Hunk squeaks, he seems to be hating the creepy mountain. Not that Pidge is all that surprised.

"We can't; we promised to help the Bahirians," Allura says.

"Maybe there's a secret passage!" Lance exclaims, running his hands over the walls.

Welcome to my cavern, Paladins of Voltron, a deep voice booms. Pidge jumps in surprise, grabbing onto Keith in her panic. Yes, I know who you are, and I know why you are here. If you want the treasure, you will have to face the challenges before you. If you step in the next room, there will be no going back. I will play with your worst memories and your greatest fears. I will test your minds for your strength and endurance. None have yet succeeded. Good luck, Paladins.

A new opening appears before them.

"What is that supposed to mean? Play with our worst fears and memories?" Hunk asks lowly. His eyes are wide with fear.

"Not sure, but I guess we're about to find out," Pidge says, taking a deep breath to steel her nerves.

The paladins all look at each other, gaining confidence from one another before plunging into the next room.

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