Chapter 18 - Space Mall, Part 1

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/* This was really fun to write, please let me know how I can fix it though! */

Keith's POV

The next day, Keith changes into his normal clothes. His black shirt, black jeggings, and favorite red cropped jacket. He meets up with everyone in the lounge. He had thrown away the rest of his food from last night and stored the bowl back in the kitchen. Keith hadn't been able to eat anything, but the gesture was sweet.

"Hey, Keith," Shiro greets him, wary eyes resting on Keith's face. Keith smiles and greets his brother. A chorus of hey's meet Keith's ears, and he says answers everyone.

"Did you sleep well last night, Mullet?" Lance asks, using that stupid nickname to lighten the mood, but the serious look in his eyes tells Keith he's worried.

"Yeah, who was it that brought the food?" Keith asks, trying to play dumb. Lance turns red, and raises his hand.

"Thanks, Lance," Keith says.

"No problem, Mullet," Lance responds. That stupid nickname again.

"Not a mullet, idiot," Keith bites back, half-heartedly. It's a stupid nickname, but it's grown on him.

"It totally is, but I'll let you mullet over," Lance quips, earning groans from everyone. Keith rolls his eyes, chuckling. This feels good, bickering with Lance like normal.

"We have today off. Do you guys want to go to the Space Mall?" Allura asks excitedly. A chorus of agreement answers her. Allura squeals in delight.

Everyone is going, even Coran, who loves dealing with the Unilu. Coran puts the Castle in defense mode, and then they are all heading to the hangar. They take a cargo transport.

Strangely, Lance lets Hunk take shotgun. Keith knows Lance loves shotgun, so why give it up? The Red Paladin, clad in his favorite green jacket, sits across from Keith. The others keep up a steady stream of chatter, distracting Keith from his nightmares.

They get to the Space Mall and stand in the middle of the entrance.

"All right, paladins. We'll meet here in five vargas, ok?" Coran says. Everyone mutters their acceptance, and then they're off.

At first, Keith walks on his own. He managed to get away from Shiro, before his older brother can suggest he sticks with someone. Keith doesn't know if he can handle five hours of one-on-one company with someone right now.

Keith wanders along the halls, staring into the windows. Occasionally he wanders into a store, but he's not really looking at anything. His mind is blurry from lack of sleep.

He's in a shop when he feels a warm hand rest on his shoulder. He turns his head, meeting bright blue eyes. Those eyes sparkle in the lighting, entrancing Keith for a hot second.

"Hey, dude, whatcha lookin' at?" Lance asks. Keith shrugs in response, turning his eyes back to the shelf he'd been staring at for a bit. His eye finally focus on the objects in front of him; they're fiction books. Keith looks closer at the titles, and recognizes some of the titles.

Keith looks back at Lance, who's still staring at him. His eyes are full of concern as he takes in Keith's face.

"You look exhausted; are you sure you slept last night?" Lance asks.

"Yeah. Just woke up early I guess," Keith slurs. Wow, he's tired. Lance wraps an arm around Keith's figure, but Keith pulls back. He can't take comfort in Lance's arms; not when he might spew his feelings.

"Keith, come on. Why don't we go sit down by the cafeteria? We can get something to eat, and you can take a nap while we wait," Lance says.

"No, I'm fine. I promise. Anyways, if I sleep, you won't get to keep shopping. I'll sleep when we get back to the Castle," Keith promises. Lance doesn't look convinced, but he doesn't push it.

"I don't care if I keep shopping, but ok. We can at least shop together," Lance tries. Keith barely holds in his groans.

"No, you go shopping. I don't need you to babysit me," Keith argues, his brows furrowing and his lips pulling into a pout. Lance sighs heavily.

"I'm not babysitting you!" Lance exclaims.

"I think Shiro sent you to find me and keep me company," Keith says. Lance huffs exasperatedly.

"Why can't I just want to hang out with you?"

"Because you don't like me all that much," Keith returns. Lance snaps straight at that.

"What? I do like you; we're friends, right?" Lance asks, his face the perfect picture of a wounded puppy.

"We are friends, but you don't necessarily have to like your friends," Keith argues.

"Well, I do like you. You can be really funny and sweet when you try," Lance declares. Keith's heart flips a bit. He needs to get out of here, before his bleary mind lets something slip to Lance.

"Thanks," Keith says, turning away. He walks down the aisle quickly, and listens as Lance follows a few steps behind him. Keith turns onto a new aisle, and rushes down it. He's almost running, and Lance is now farther behind. Keith spins onto a third aisle and full on sprints towards the exit. He listens as Lance mutters a few curses and dashes after him.

Unfortunately for Lance, Keith is already outside and slipping into the next store over before he gets out of the bookshop. Keith weaves between the aisles, keeping an eye on the door in case Lance looks in here.  

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