Justin smiles at me and I smile back. "Right. Well I married you because for as long as I can remember I have always loved you. You have always invaded my every thought. You're the only girl who I have ever let in and I ever want to let in. If I don't see you my day is never complete and I feel like something is missing. I love the fact that you are the first and last thing I see every day. I have always envisioned a future with you and it's perfect. I can't wait till the day comes when you have a fat belly and swollen feet. The nights when you bug me to buy you something you are craving. I can't wait to paint our baby's nursery and argue over the gender of the baby. I can't wait until we look at every name under the sun to find the perfect name for our perfect baby. I know our children will be perfect because it's half you and having just half of you is enough. I can't wait till you break my hand during labour as you give birth to our baby. I can't wait till the doctor tells us our baby gender and I hear the cries of our creation. I can't wait to hold our baby in my hands and welcome it into this world, into my world. I married you because I want to do late night nappy changes and baby feeds with you. I want to argue with you over whose turn it is to get up and do the feed. I can't wait to share the job of parenting and spoiling our children with the world's greatest pleasure. I hate the fact that your love will have to be shared between us all but I can't wait till we become a family. To do all that is why I married you."

I look at him as I feel my tears well up in my eyes. "Justin..."

He smiles at me before picking his fork up again. "Plus the sex is pretty great too."

I give him a pointed look but I can't help the feeling in my heart. "You're going to be a great dad."

"I hope so. But if I am not it’s okay because I know they will have the most perfect mother."

I cringe as I look at the photo Justin is laughing at. "I cannot believe this was my mother's gift. Look at us."

I shake my head. "I look so terrible in that picture. Did she have to add these photos in her album?"

Justin wraps his arms around me and laughs. "Aw. Doesn't younger Amber look so happy? Even as a child you knew you wanted to marry me! I have no idea why teenage Amber took so long to admit it."

I shake my head and can't help but smile as I remember the day that photo was taken.

"Kids, what are you doing with those sheets?"

"I need them for my dress!" I shout.

My mom says something but I can't hear her properly. Instead I focus on wrapping the sheet around me but leaving enough to have a small trail. I see Justin walking out in a chequered shirt. "I have no more shirts so this will be okay. Come on its nearly time."

I nod at him and quickly throw my veil over my face. I stand by the door and when Justin starts humming the bridal march I walk over to him, carrying the flowers we picked from the garden. When I reach him he takes my hand as we stand together. We both grin at each other. Not knowing what to say we skip to ours vows.

Justin takes my hands as smiles at me. "I like you lots Bee. I like you because you share your animal biscuits with me and you always play with me. I also like you because you don't shout at me when I draw on the walls like my mom does. She always shouts at me when I do that. I want to marry you because you are nice and if you weren't here then nobody would eat chocolate chip pancakes with me and you are pretty. I don't like it when you play with Noah so when we finish getting married you can't play with him anymore. I like you because you don't put spiders in my hair because I am scared of them."

Fall- A Justin Bieber Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now